Course #: IT-1086 |
Room/Time: Room 321 Muntz, Wed orThur, in class, in person, unless otherwise communicated.
Instructor: Mr. Mark Thomas e-mail:
Office: 353F Muntz Hall Office Hours
Phone No: (513) 558-1662
Textbook: Introduction to UNIX e-Text
Course Goal: To provide the somewhat experienced (non-novice) student with a broad introduction to the concepts, commands and tools available from the Unix Operating System. Successful completion should enable a student to understand and use the shell, navigate the Unix filesystem, edit text files, use email, understand and use environment variables, use pipes and redirection, and write simple shell scripts.
Grading Scale: Grades will be based upon the standard 10 point grading scale and will not include the +/- system (i.e. A: 90 - 100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, etc.)Prerequisites: The student enrolling in this course should have familiarity with a modern operating system, text editor, as well as introductory programming & problem solving experience. It is strongly recommended that the student has successfully passed Computer Programming I (IT1090). Ignoring this recommendation will likely result in an undesirable outcome in this course.
Assignments: There will be 2 tests (midterm & final) given in this class. In addition, there will be homework questions assigned and graded. The assignments are subject to change based upon the actual progress of the class. All assigned work will be discussed in class as will due dates. All assigned work is expected to be complete at the beginning of class on the assigned due date.
Attendance: Classroom attendance is expected and is required. If you do miss class, please make sure you get the notes and any other distributed material from another student (I'm not the "other student") in the class. Assignments completed in class (tests, quizzes, projects, etc.) cannot be made up, regardless of the reason for your absence. If you miss more than 10% of the regularly scheduled class meetings, I reserve the right to require you to withdraw from the class. Late arrivals and early departures are treated as absences.
Preparation: Preparation for and participation in class is expected. Reading assignments will be given and are expected to be complete before coming to class. Class discussion of the reading material is expected. If it appears that reading assignments are not being done and class participation is not taking place, surprise quizzes may be given.
Classroom Behavior: Classroom behavior such as websurfing e-mailing, online chat and/or game playing will NOT be tolerated. This behavior is rude and disruptive to the other students in the class, as well as to the instructor. If this behavior occurs, the student(s) responsible may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor without the permission or knowledge of the student.
Week | Text Section(s) | Topic | HW Assignment | |
1 | Intro/History, Preface, Background, Getting Started | Introduction, Unix applications, Unix history, Unix flavors, commands & command format, account setup, log on/off, Who uses Unix? | Get Started Exercises | |
2 | OS Organization, Intro to Processes, File System, dot | Introduction to the shell (i.e. what is this shell thing?), kernel doc, boot process, Unix file system hierarchy & navigation | File System Exercises, *intro_hw* | |
3 | Additional file attributes, Text editors | Unix file system hierarchy and navigation cont'd., file attributes, intro to text based line editors (using vi), web server permissions | Editor Exercises, vi2_hw | |
4 | Process control, Intro to Shell Programming | line editors/vi cont'd., processes and process management, intro to shell programming | Process Exercises, *file_sys_hw* | |
5 | review for midterm, study guide | network script | ||
6 | ||||
7 | analysis of midterm | |||
8 | Environment Variables (sections a, b & c only) | Intro to environment variables, variable use and assignment, env. variables and child processes, common variables | *env_vars_hw* | |
9 | More with Environment Vars (sections d & e only), Using Quotes | backslash, backquote, arithmetic on shell variables, special environment variables, summary here | *special_vars_hw* | |
Spring Break | Spring Break | |||
10 | I/O redirection & pipes | I/O redirection & pipes, filters & searching (cut, grep, sort, uniq, tr) | *redir_pipes_hw* | |
11 | Program Control, Conditional Control | test operator pdf, conditional and looping statements (e.g. if-then, while, for), input into shell programs | ||
12 | Program Input | while read statement, I/O redirection within shell scripts, more on fork and exec, intro to functions | *shell_prog_hw* | |
13 | Finding files | miscellaneous file commands, touch, which, find | ||
Finals Week |
Note: assignments surrounded by *asterisks* are to be handed in, and will be graded, due the following class unless otherwise announced in class.
©2021, Mark A. Thomas. All Rights Reserved.