Chong Yu, Ph.D.

Chong Yu, Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221

Office: Rhodes Hall 887
Phone: 513-556-7904
Research Lab: Rhodes Hall 800A
Email: yuc5 at ucmail dot uc dot edu
Curriculum Vitae


She received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA in 2023. Her research interests include distributed computing, machine learning, cybersecurity and privacy, with a broad range of applications including data analytics, edge-based artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things.

Hiring: I am seeking self-motivated students who have interests in the following areas, including but not limited to AI, federated learning, and cybersecurity. Here is the details.


Selected Recent Publications

Journal Publications

Conference Papers
