Philip Korman
( Ph.D. Courant Institute, New York University, 1981)

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0025

phone: (513) 556-4063,
fax: (513) 556-3417,
office: 5504-French Hall

Books and Papers

Corrections to my book "Lectures on Linear Algebra and its Applications"

Corrections to my book "Lectures on Differential Equations"


Lectures on Linear Algebra

Solution Manual for Lectures on Linear Algebra

DE Textbook

A Mathematica program to draw bifurcation diagrams for Dirichlet elliptic equations on a ball (written jointly with Dieter S. Schmidt)

A Mathematica program to draw bifurcation diagrams for Neumann problem on a ball (written jointly with Dieter S. Schmidt)

MathSciNet page with Photo (Subscription Required)

Short Vita

Talk at the Miami University Conference 9/21/2019

Talk at the Miami University Conference 9/30/2023