

Current Course Offerings @ UC
Office: Kettering 429
Office Hours: 10am - 3pm, open door, as available. Dr. Wang tracker: is he in his office?
EIH 7007/PH 7007 Principles of Occupational Exposure Assessment
This course is offered every Fall and it provides the background to begin exposure assessment in occupational and environmental health. Based on precepts of anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control, the course provides students with the tools they will need to identify, evaluate, quantify, and control exposures in the workplace and general environment. Students will learn to classify and characterize chemical, physical, and biological health hazards, apply exposure sampling strategies, devise exposure measurement techniques, assess different exposure mitigation and control, use the concept of occupational exposure limits to evaluate outcomes. [detail]
EIH 7043C Aerosol Properties and Measurement (formerly Physical and Biological Aspects of Aerosol
This course is offered every Spring and it the basic principles and real-world applications for aerosol formation from natural and anthropogenic sources, transport in the ambient and occupational environment, and health effects upon inhalation exposure. Students will learn the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of aerosols and assess the properties of aerosols quantitatively. Additionally, this course will encompass the techniques to sample, measure, and characterize aerosols and how to control and mitigate aerosol exposures. [detail]
EIH 8035/MECH 6050 Ventilation for Safety and Health
This course is offered every Spring and it demonstrates ndustrial ventilation affecas related to the needs of industrial hygienists, including principles of airflow, natural ventilation, dilution ventilation, fans, collectors, testing instruments, and construction guidelines for local exhaust systems and design of industrial ventilation systems. [detail]
EIH 8034/PH 8034 Hazardous Materials Management
This course is offered every Fall and it focuses on diverse aspects of hazardous materials management and regulation likely to be encountered by Environmental and Occupational Hygiene professionals. This course focuses on diverse aspects of hazardous materials management and regulation likely to be encountered by Environmental and Occupational Hygiene professionals. Treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs), National Priority List waste sites and emergency responder requirements of 29CRF1910.120 and other regulations are studied. [detail]
Past Course Offerings
EIH 7041 Practice in Occupational Exposure Assessment I (University of Cincinnati, 2022-2023)
EIH 7042 Practice in Occupational Exposure Assessment II (University of Cincinnati, 2023-2024)
OEH 6683 Applied Modeling Technology in Occupational and Environmental Health Research (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 2016-2019)
OEH 5553 Occupational & Environmental Toxicology (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 2014-2019)
OEH 6683 OEH 5752 Occupational Hazards Control (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 2014-2018)
OEH 5013 Environmental Health (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 2014-2018 online)
