

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Niu, X.; Hall, P.; Wang, J.; Lange, S., Airborne hexavalent chromium and particulate matter emissions during the laser cutting of leathers, ACS Chemical Health & Safety, 2024, in press, DOI
Gerding, T.; Wang, J.; Newman, N., Examining work stress and air pollutants exposure of home healthcare workers, Atmosphere, 14 (9), 1393. DOI
Fang, R.; Mohammed, A.; Yadav, J.; Wang, J., Cytotoxicity and characterization of ultrafine particles from desktop three-dimensional printers with multiple filaments, Toxics, 11 (9) ,720. DOI
Gerding, T.; Davis, K.; Wang, J., An investigation into occupational related stress of at-risk workers during COVID-19, Annals of Work and Exposure Health, 67(1):118-128. DOI
Gerding, T.; Wang, J., Stressed at work: investigating the relationship between occupational stress and salivary cortisol fluctuations, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19). 12311. DOI
McCann A.; Singerman, K.; Coxe J.; Singletary, J.; Wang, J.; Collar, R.; Hsieh T-Y., Quantifying aerosol generation in maxillofacial trauma repair techniques, Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction, 15(4):362-368. DOI
Ward, R.; Tilly, T.; Mazhar, S.; Robinson, S.; Eiguren-Fernandez, A.; Wang, J.; Sabo-Attwood, T.; Wu, C., Mimicking the human respiratory system: online in vitro cell exposure for toxicity assessment of welding fume aerosol. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 395: 122687. DOI
Fang, L.; Qiu, F.; Li, Y.; Wang, S.; DeGuzman, J.; Wang, J.; She, J., Determination of carbazole and halogenated carbazoles in human serum samples using GC-MS/MS. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 184: 109609. DOI
Su, W.; Chen, Y.; Bezerra, M.; Wang, J., Respiratory deposition of ultrafine welding fume particles. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 16(10):694-706. DOI
Zhao, J.; Feng, Y.; Bezerra, M.; Wang J.; Sperry, T., Numerical simulation of welding fume lung dosimetry. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, 135: 113-129. DOI
Li, H.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, W.; Yang, J.; Wang, J.; Zhang M.; Yang Z.; Li L.; Shih K., NH3 inhibits mercury oxidation over low-temperature MnOx/TiO2 SCR catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 176: 124-130. DOI
Floyd, E.; Queimado, L.; Wang, J.; Regens, J.; Johnson, D., Electronic cigarette power affects count concentration and particle size distribution of vaping aerosol. PLoS One 13(12): e0210147. DOI
Feng, Y.; Zhao, J.; Kleinstreuer, C.; Wang, Q.; Wang, J.; Wu, D.; Lin, J., An in silico inter-subject variability study of extra-thoracic morphology effects on inhaled particle transport and deposition. Journal of Aerosol Sciences 123: 185-207. DOI
Johnson, D.; Lynch, R.; Floyd, E.; Wang, J.; Bartels, J., Indoor air quality in classrooms: environmental measures and effective ventilation rate modeling in urban elementary schools. Building and Environment 136: 185-197. DOI
Li, H.; Zhang, W.; Wang, J.; Yang, Z.; Li, L.; Shih, K., Copper slag as a catalyst for mercury oxidation in coal combustion flue gas. Waste Management 74: 253-259. DOI
Jiang, S.; Liu, X.; Li, H.; Wang, J.; Yang, Z.; Peng, H.; Shih, K., Synergistic effect of HCl and NO in elemental mercury catalytic oxidation over La2O3-TiO2 catalyst. Fuel 215(1):232-238. DOI
Floyd, E.; Wang, J.; Regens, J., Fume emissions from a low-cost 3-D printer with various filaments Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 14 (7): 523-533. DOI
Wang, J.; Hoang, T.; Floyd, E.; Regens, J., Characterization of particulate fume and oxides emission from stainless steel plasma cutting. Annals of Work Exposures and Health 61 (3): 311-320. DOI
Fang, H.; Wang, J.; Lynch, R., Migration of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butylphthalate (DBP) from polypropylene food containers. Food Control 73: 1298-1302. DOI
Wang, J.; Li, H.; Bezerra, M., Assessment of shooter's task-based exposure to airborne lead and acidic gas at indoor and outdoor ranges. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety 24 (4): 14-21. DOI
Li, H.; Zhu, L.; Wang, J.; Li, L.; Shih, K., Development of nano-sulfide sorbent for efficient removal of elemental mercury from coal combustion fuel gas. Environmental Science & Technology 50 (17): 9551-9557. DOI
Li, H.; Wu, S.; Wu, C.-Y.; Wang, J.; Li, L.; Shih, K., SCR atmosphere induced reduction of oxidized mercury over CuO/CeO2-TiO2 catalyst. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (12): 7373-7379. DOI
Hayes, J.; Wang, J.; Roessler J.; Ferraro C.; Wu, C.-Y.; Deford D.; Townsend T., Evaluation of leaching of trace metals from concrete amended with cement kiln baghouse filter dust. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 94: 92-98. DOI
Li, H.; Wu, X.; Wang, M.; Wang, J.; Wu, S.; Yao, X.; Li, L., Separation of elemental sulfur from zinc concentrate direct leaching residue by vacuum distillation. Separation and Purification Technology 138: 41-46.DOI
Wang, J.; Hayes, J.; Wu, C.-Y.; Townsend, T.; Schert J.; Vinson T.; Deliz K.; Bonzongo J.-C., Characterization of vapor phase mercury released from concrete processing with baghouse filter dust added cement. Environmental Science & Technology 48 (4): 2481-2487. DOI
Jin, T.; Qu, L.; Liu, S.; Gao, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, F.; Zhang P.; Bai, Z.; Xu, X., Chemical characteristics of particulate matter emitted from a heavy duty diesel engine and correlation among inorganic and PAH components. Fuel 116: 655-661. DOI
Wang, J.; Wu, C.-Y.; Franke, G., Effectiveness of amorphous silica encapsulation technology on welding fume particles and its impact on mechanical properties of welds. Materials & Design 54: 79-86. DOI
Wang, J.; Jin, L.; Gao, J.; Shi, J.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, S.; Jin, T.; Bai, Z.; Wu, C.-Y., Investigation of speciated VOC in gasoline vehicular exhaust under ECE and EUDC test cycles. Science of the Total Environment 445-446: 110-116. DOI
Wang, J.; Kalivoda, M.; Guan J.; Theodore, A.; Sharby, J.; Wu, C.-Y.; Paulson, K., Es-Said, O., Double shroud delivery of silica precursor for reducing hexavalent chromium in welding fume. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 9 (12): 733-742. DOI
Zhao, C.; Liu, L.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, J.; Li, Y., Photocatalytic conversion of CO2 and H2O to fuels by nanostructured Ce-TiO2/SBA-15 composites. Catalysis Science & Technology 2: 2558-2568. DOI
Hall, D.; Wu, C.-Y.; Hsu, Y.-M.; Stormer, J.; Engling, G.; Capeto, K.; Wang, J., Brown S.; Li, H.-W.; Yu, K.-M., PAHs, carbonyls, VOCs and PM2.5 emission factors for pre-harvest burning of Florida sugarcane. Atmospheric Environment 55: 164-172. DOI
Wang, J.; Topham, N.; Wu, C.-Y., Determination of silica coating efficiency on metal particles using multiple digestion methods. Talanta 85 (5): 2655-2661. DOI
Topham, N.; Wang, J.; Kalivoda, M.; Huang, J.; Yu, K.-M.; Hsu, Y.-M.; Wu, C.-Y.; Oh, S.; Cho, K.; Paulson, K., Control of Cr6+ emissions from gas metal arc welding using a silica precursor as a shielding gas additive. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 56 (2): 242-252. DOI
Paulson, K.; Wang, J.; Topham, N.; Wu, C.-Y.; Alexandrov, B.; Lippold, J.; Es-Said, O., Alternatives for joining stainless steel to reduce Cr(VI) emissions and occupational exposures. Journal of Ship Production & Design 27 (2): 91-97. DOI
Li, W.; Peng, Y.; Shi, J.; Qiu, W.; Wang, J.; Bai, Z., Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the urban Northeast Region of China: Profiles, distributions and sources. Atmospheric Environment 45 (40): 7664-7671. DOI
Yu, K.-M.; Topham, N.; Wang, J.; Kalivoda, M.; Tseng, Y.; Wu, C.-Y.; Lee, W.-J.; Cho, K., Decreasing biotoxicity of fume particles produced in welding process. Journal of Hazardous Materials 185 (2-3): 1587-1591. DOI
