

Laboratory Capacity
*Details of the lab descriptions are currently under development.
Research capacity at WANG LAB is built towards understanding the dynamics of aerosols and other air contaminants in workplaces and devising innovative control and intervention techniques. There are several highly specialized laboratories under the supervision of Dr. Wang, with over 4,000-square-foot laboratory and office spaces and numerous aerosol research and industrial hygiene instrument and equipment. Lab tour available upon request.
MAIN Lab - Kettering 438

The main lab houses all the analytical instruments geared towards real-time measurement, sampling media preparation, gravimetrical and UV/VIS analysis. Both a biosafety cabinet and a chemical fume hood are available to conduct analysis without risk of contamination. Lab-grade particle instruments include (2x) scanning mobility particle sizers, (2x) optical particle counters, (4x) condensational particle counters, fast mobility particle sizer, and Nano-MOUDI impactor. Consumer-grade direct-reading particle sensors and gas monitors are also employed in this lab. [detail]
FUME Lab - Kettering 314

The Fine and Ultrafine Metal Emission (Fume) Lab has a dedicated ventilation system that is separate from the Kettering laboratory complex building, ensuring highly toxic metals generated in the lab will not contaminate other rooms. Five metal chambers can simulate most occupational activities involving metals and contain fumes generated for further analysis. Welding and cutting processes are routinely studied here. We can also simulate granite stone grinding and cutting. Engineering controls such as local exhaust ventilation are used to extract fumes. [detail]
RTAC Lab - Kettering 418

A room-sized chamber is built into the Respirator Test Aerosol Chamber (RTAC) lab, with fully controlled environmental parameters and aerosol generation and exposure simulation. The chamber is fitted with several aerosol instruments such as wide-range aerosol particle sizers, an electric low-pressure impactor, and several GRIMM optical particle spectrometers. The chamber is designed explicitly for respirator tests with a variety of manikins to simulate different face contours and their effects on respirator fitting. It can also be used for any human subject exposure studies. [detail]
AIDE Lab - Kettering 445

The purpose of the Aerosol Instrument Development & Experiments (AIDE) Lab is to serve as a "mechanical shop" to build and test the next generation of aerosol and industrial hygiene equipment. Mechanical tools, 3D printers, and fiber laser cutters are available to fabricate instruments with innovative designs. A mini wind tunnel can be used for testing sampling efficiency of newly developed aerosol instruments. [detail]
BARS Lab - Kettering 167

The Biological Aerosol Research & Studies (BARS) Lab is suited to study bioaerosol, with four biosafety cabinets and a variety of biological instruments such as centrifuge, PCR, spectrometers, plate readers, refrigerated storages, etc. [detail]
ESCAPE - Kettering 171/172

The Experimental Simulating Chamber for Aerosol & Particle Exposure (ESCAPE) is a shared resource directed by Dr. Wang to expose cells, tissues, and animals to aerosols and particles. With nebulizers, a fluidized bed aerosol generator, and direct feed ports, combined with an air-liquid interface, nose-only and whole-body exposure units, the ESCAPE system is a truly versatile and modular inhalation exposure system. [detail]
OASIS - Kettering SW Corner

Outdoor Aerosol Sampling Isle (OASIS) is established by Dr. Wang to study air pollution during and post-pandemic in collaboration with our industrial partner Tisch Environmental Inc. OASIS is a small air quality station just outside of the Kettering Laboratory Complex building. It is equipped with both high-flow and regular sampling devices, as well as several low-cost monitors such as Purple Air. [detail]