Hi! I'm a 19 year old digital artist and cybersecurity student. Creating art has always been a creative outlet for me, allowing me to express my love for my hobbies and find relaxation in the process. I've built this website to share my journey with fellow beginner artists, offering insights into the tools I use and how they've worked well for me. I believe that art should be accessible to everyone, and by showcasing these tools, I hope to inspire others to elevate their artworks.
My journey started in 2016, where my parents first gave me a tiny Wacom tablet. Starting off slowly, I would trace a lot of pictures and colorpick colors; it's controversial but I was 12 and honestly it does help you learn anatomy and how color theory works together. I dropped drawing for a few years until 2021 came around. A lot of the games inspired me, Fortnite is the game I draw most about because they have some of the best character design and diversity I've seen.