30-IT-398 Advanced Java For information about the Java Series, see http://www.uc.edu/cece/brueggrf/HPCourseProposalsDocuments.asp

Class Slides
(Work in progress)

Programming Assignment 1
   MySQL Control Center
2. Traditional JavaBeans
3. Java Security
4. Remote Method Invocation
5. XML
6. Web Services
   Making a Client for an Existing Web Service with GLUE
   Making a Simple Web Service Server with GLUE
7. Java Web Services Developer Pack (Work in progress slides - please skip)
   Preparing a Web Service(Work in progress slides - please skip)
8. Introduction to EJBs
9. EJB Fundamentals
10. EJB Example
11. Deploying Your First EJB
12. And Finally, the Wrapup