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Java Web Services Developer Pack
  UC ingot As I was writing the XML example, I  realized I did not have the proper XML JARs.  I went to Sun to download the JARs, and I came upon the Java Web Services Developer Pack, a free kit (made mostly of open source software) to develop XML Web Services.  WSDP includes:
    • Standard implementation of WSDL, SOAP, ebXML, UDDI.
    • JSP and JSP standard tag library.
    • WSDP Registry Server.
    • Ant build tool.
    • Apache Tomcat 4.1.2 container.
      • Some of these are new to us, some are not new.  Some you may even have already installed on your computer.
  • So I downloaded and installed it.
    • The installation guide stated that you must copy files from lib/endorsed to your jdk installation.  Unfortunately, I don't recall the exact source or destination folders, just follow the instructions. 
    • Also, the installation came with a getting started guide, linked here for your convenience.
 The Java Web Services Tutorial 
 Acronym Parade