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EJB Fundamentals
  UC ingotAn enterprise bean is a software component with the following attributes:
    • distributed: runs on multiple computers.
    • server side: runs on the server.  This gives it ample computing power, and centralized support (versus a heavy client, which requires distributed support).
    • multitier: it is part of an entire framework with divisions of labor.  Presentation is handled on one tier, business logic on another tier, and data on yet another tier.
    • The client deals with a single interface for simplicity, but the enterprise bean can be composed of multiple classes.
      • The interface and the bean itself must be compliant with the EJB specification.
    • Beans can be called by the client, or they can be called by each other.
  • For example, consider an airline reservation service.  It may have a bean to check seat availability, another bean to actually reserve seats, a third bean to process payment information, and a fourth bean to update frequent flier data.
 Types of Beans