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Your First Bean
  UC ingot Most EJB Containers come with some sample EJBs to deploy.  As I write this slide, I am downloading and attempting to install both Sun ONE and JBoss, and will pick the one that fits best in UC's environment.  This is currently an unknown, and may not be known until next week.  So I will base my first EJB on the book's example, HelloWorld.  Our altered example will be HelloWhirled.
  • Our roadmap in this adventure is:
    • Write the source .java files we'll need.  This will include the component (local or remote) interfaces we need, the home interfaces, bean class, and any other helpers we may need.
    • Write the deployment descriptor.
    • Compile the .java files into .class files.
    • Create an ejb-jar file with the jar utility.
    • Deploy the EJB.  The details of this will depend upon our choice of app server, either Sun ONE or JBoss.
    • Configure the EJB server.
    • Start the EJB server.
    • Write, compile, and run a standalone client.
 The Remote Interface