3130 Highland, Cincinnati, OH Hoxworth Blood Center, Research Division, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati

Dr. Xuefeng Wang

Associate Professor               08/2023 – Present
Research Division, Hoxworth Blood Center
College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, OH

Associate Professor               01/2020 – 07/2023
Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Assistant Professor                08/2015 – 12/2019
Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Curriculum Vitae

Lab members

Subhankar Kundu

Postdoc fellow

Arghajit Pyne

Postdoc fellow

Vivek Pandey

Postdoc fellow Pandeyve@ucmail.uc.edu


Alumni (Postdocs)

Kaushik Pal

Assistant professor
Indian Institute Of Technology Tirupati

Ying Tu

Postdoc fellow
Imperial College London

Gopal Niraula

Postdoc fellow
Iowa State University

Anwesha Sarkar

Assistant professor
Iowa State University

Yongliang Wang

Assistant Professor
University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Alumni (Graduate students)

Jacob Austin

Cybersecurity Analyst

Yuanchang Zhao

Postdoc fellow
University of California, Berkeley

Alumni (Undergraduate students)

Nathaniel Wetter

graduate student
University of Michigan

Justin Farrell


Bailey Hoch