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  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “RTL-Level Secure Coding against Hardware Attacks,” Follow-Up Project, PI: Boyang Wang, co-PIs: John M. Emmert and Nan Niu, $375,000, 2025/01/01 – 2026/08/30, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Cross-device and Cross-leakage Transfer Learning based Side-channel Analysis,” PI: Yunsi Fei (Northeastern), co-PIs: Adam Ding (Northeastern) and Boyang Wang (UC), $120,000 (UC share $40,000), 2024/08/01 – 2025/07/31, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Deep Learning Side-Channel Attacks (Year 4),” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PI: John M. Emmert, $60,000, 2024/08/01 – 2025/07/31, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Secure Coding against Hardware Attacks (Year 2),” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PIs: John M. Emmert and Nan Niu, $50,000, 2024/08/01 – 2025/07/31, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Secure Coding against Hardware Attacks (Year 1),” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PIs: John M. Emmert and Nan Niu, $50,000, 2023/08/01 – 2024/07/31, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Towards Robust Cross-Device Side-Channel Attacks (Year 3),” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PI: John M. Emmert, $50,000, 2023/08/01 – 2024/07/31, Federal

  • National Science Foundation (SaTC program), “Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Small: Towards Robust, Scalable, and Resilient Radio Fingerprinting,” Lead PI: Boyang Wang, PI at University of Nebraska Lincoln: Nirnimesh Ghose, Total $622,681 (UC Share: $322,684, including $28,000 REU supplement), 2023/02/15 – 2026/01/31, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Towards Robust Cross-Device Side-Channel Attacks (Year 2),” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PI: John M. Emmert, $50,000, 2022/08/01 – 2023/07/31, Federal

  • National Science Foundation (REU Site program), “REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust (RHEST),” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PI: John M. Emmert, senior personel: Ranga Vemuri, Rashmi Jha, Nan Niu, Anca Ralescu, William Hawkins, $414,939 (including $10,000 RET supplement), 2022/02/15 – 2025/01/31, Federal

  • NSF IUCRC CHEST (Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust), “Towards Robust Cross-Device Side-Channel Attacks,” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PI: John M. Emmert, $50,000, 2021/05/01 – 2022/08/31, Federal

  • National Science Fundation (CRII program), “CRII: SaTC: Fingerprinting Encrypted Voice Traffic on Smart Speakers,” PI: Boyang Wang, $217,000 (including $32,000 REU supplement and $10,000 CloudBank Credits), 2020/03/01 – 2023/02/28, Federal

  • Office of Research at UC (Pilot Program), “Efficient Cryptocurrency Malware Detection,” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PIs: Nan Niu and Xuetao Wei, $24,962, 2019/07/01 – 2020/12/30, Internal

  • Hyperconnect Lab Inc. (IoTeX), “Optimizing Verification Overhead for Privacy-Preserving Cryptocurrency,” PI: Boyang Wang, $10,734, 2018/11/01 – 2019/06/30, Industry

  • Ohio Cyber Range, “Learning from Private Data,” PI: Boyang Wang, co-PI: Gowtham Atluri, $30,129, 2018/07/01 – 2019/06/30, Internal