Boyang Wang
Boyang Wang,
Associate Professor
Program Chair in Cybersecurity Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (primary)
Department of Computer Science (secondary)
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Office: Rhodes Hall 806A
Phone: 513-556-4785
Research Lab: Mantei 528
Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar Citations
(Citations: 3,300+, h-index: 20)
Research Interests
Hardware and embedded system security, wireless security, binary analysis, machine learning, privacy-preserving technologies, network security, data privacy and security, and applied cryptography
Undergrad Research Positions (Avaliable: Fall 2025 & Spring 2026)
Our research lab is always looking for undergrad students who are interested in research in Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. UC undergrad students (in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity Engineering, and Computer Science) who are interested can apply through CEAS Undergraduate Research Co-op Fellowship (URCF) program. Most of the undergrad researchers in our lab are able to publish high-quality papers, receive competitive awards and fellowships, and continue their research at the graduate level through their research experience with us. For more detailed information, please send your CV/resume, transcripts, and publications (if any) to
03/2025: Dr. Wang serves as the web chair for EAI SmartSP 2025.
03/2025: One paper is accepted by HOST’25. Congrats to Logan, Mabon, Ryan, and Phuc!
02/2025: Guillermo accepts an internship for Summer 20225 from Sandia National Lab. Congrats!
01/2025: One follow-up project submitted to NSF IUCRC CHEST is selected for funding. Thanks CHEST and its industrial partners for the support!
12/2024: Prateek receives Robert J. Herbold Fellowship 2024. Congrats!
12/2024: Logan accepts an internship for Summer 2025 from MITRE. Congrats!
10/2024: Ryan receives student travel grant from SmartSP’24. Congrats!
10/2024: Ryan receives Godown Family Graduate Fellowship. Congrats!
09/2024: One paper is accpeted by SmartSP 2024. Congrats to Ryan!
08/2023: Dr. Wang serves on the organizaing committee for ISICN 2025 (San Juan, Pueto Rico). Please consider submitting papers to ISICN 2025
08/2024: Logan is selected as the Engineering Graduate Student of the Month. Congrats!
08/2024: Ryan and Prateek continue their research in our lab as graduate students.
07/2024: Logan receives NSF CyberCorps Scholarship for Services Fellowship. Congrats!
07/2024: Three projects submitted to NSF IUCRC CHEST are selected for funding. Thanks CHEST and its industrial partners for the support!
05/2024: Ryan is selected as the Computer Science Student of the Year (2024). Congrats!
06/2023: Dr. Wang serves as a co-chair for ICNC’25 Communication and Information Security Symposium.
06/2024: Dr. Wang serves as the web co-chair and a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2025.
06/2024: One paper is accepted by IEEE NAECON 2024. Congrats to Prateek!
05/2024: Our paper is selected as the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE HOST’24. Congrats to Haipeng and Mabon!
04/2024: Logan receives Robert J. Herbold Fellowship 2023. Congrats!
B.S. in Cybersecurity Engineering & Undergraduate Certificate in Cyber Operations
Dr. Wang serves as the program chair of the new B.S. in Cybersecurity Engineering at UC (Details). If you are interested in learning knowledge and skills in cybersecurity, please consider pursuing this B.S.
Dr. Wang also serves as the technical advisor for Undergraduate Certificate in Cyber Operations at UC (Details), which is designed for UC students who are not majored in Cybersecurity Engineering.
L. Reichling, R. Evans, M. Ninan, P. Mai, B. Wang, Y. Fei, J. Emmert, “MicroPower: Micro Neural Networks for Side-Channel Attacks,” (IEEE HOST 2025), San Jose CA, May 5-8, 2025
M. Ninan, E. Nimmo, S. Reilly, C. Smith, W. Sun, B. Wang, J. Emmert, “A Second Look at the Portability of Deep Learning Side-Channel Attacks over EM Traces,” (RAID 2024), Padua, Itay, Sep. 30 - Oct. 2, 2024.
H. Li. M. Ninan, B. Wang, and J. Emmert, “TinyPower: Side-Channel Attacks with Tiny Neural Networks,” (HOST 2024), Washington DC, May 6-9, 2024.
C. Wang, M. Ninan, S. Reilly, J. Ward, W. Hawkins, B. Wang, and J. Emmert, “Portability of Deep-Learning Side-Channel Attacks against Software Discrepancies
,” (ACM WiSec 2023), Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom, May 29-June 01, 2023.
C. Wang, J. Dani, S. Reilly, A. Brownfield, B. Wang, and J. Emmert, “TripletPower: Deep-Learning Side-Channel Attacks over Few Traces,” (IEEE HOST 2023), San Jose CA, May 1-4, 2023.
H. Li, N. Niu and B. Wang, “Cache Shaping: An Effective Defense Against Cache-Based Website Fingerprinting,” (ACM CODASPY 2022), Baltimore MD, April 24–27, 2022.
C. Wang, J. Dani, X. Li, X. Jia, B. Wang, “Adaptive Fingerprinting: Website Fingerprinting over Few Encrypted Traffic,” (ACM CODASPY 2021), Virtual, April 26–28, 2021.
C. Wang, S. Kennedy, H. Li, K. Hudson, G. Atluri, X. Wei, W. Sun, B. Wang, “Fingerprinting Encrypted Voice Traffic on Smart Speakers with Deep Learning,” ACM WiSec, 2020. (The first two authors contribute equally in this paper)
S. Kennedy, H. Li, C. Wang, H. Liu, B. Wang and W. Sun, “I Can Hear Your Alexa: Voice Command Fingerprinting on Smart Home Speakers,” IEEE CNS, 2019 (The first three authors contribute equally in this paper.)
B. Wang, M. Li and L. Xiong, “FastGeo: Efficient Geometric Range Queries on Encrypted Spatial Data,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2017
B. Wang, M. Li and H. Wang, “Geometric Range Search on Encrypted Spatial Data,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2016
B. Wang, Y. Hou, and M. Li, “Practical and Secure Nearest Neighbor Search on Encrypted Large-Scale Data,” IEEE INFOCOM, 2016
B. Wang, Y. Hou, M. Li, H. Wang and H. Li, “Maple: Scalable Multi- Dimensional Range Search over Encrypted Cloud Data with Tree-based Index,” ACM ASIACCS, 2014
B. Wang, S. Chow, M. Li and H. Li, “Storing Shared Data on the Cloud via Security-Mediator,”