
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Gabriel Phillips

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© Gabriel Phillips 2023
Picture of Rack of Dumbbells

Starting Out Tips!

  • DO NOT EGO LIFT! While there can be benefits to ego lifting, you as a beginer should focus on getting form and technique down first. This is because if you start out doing something wrong nad continue to build upon incorrect form, when you try and do the real thing you will be rudely awaken when you realize your "Max Squat" is hitting no where near depth. Also if that last sentence about "depth" confused you, you'll learn more about it on the Leg Workouts Page.
  • Half the Battle is in the Kitchen! While this page mainly focuses on what to do while you are at the gym, that is less than half of the battle, you still need to eat enough food so don't starve yourself thinking that your abs will show and you will build muscle still, your body needs a lot of nutrients to actually have a productive workout, keep you healthy, and ultimately stimulate muscle growth. A commonly used supplment by people is protein powder, I personally take Ryse Cinnamon Toast, it has great macros and I really love the taste, I have linked it right there as well, feel free to try but make sure that it is something that will benefit you personally and you're not just taking it becuase I said that I do!
  • Results will not be instant! Muscle Growth, and Fat Loss can both take substantial varying amounts of time, with that being said with the help of good diet management, a routine regarding working out multiple times a week, and a little determination, you will eventually see the results that you are looking for.