
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Gabriel Phillips

© Gabriel Phillips 2023
Picture of the Anatomy of the Chest

Chest Day

This section will give you some workout that you can do for your chest. While we are only including 3 workouts there are a multitude of chest workouts and I encourage you to go do further research once you feel you want to broaden your workout regiment.

  1. Flat Barbell Bench Press: For this workout you will NEED a spot, that is non-negotiable, it is better to be safe than sorry while you have weight that could come down on your chest potentially hurting you. You should start with the bar and add weight once your form is down. You will lay under a Racked Barbell on a Bench, scoot backwards or forward until your eyes are even with the barbell, from this point you will have to find what grip is most comfortable for you, a wider grip will use more of your chest, and front deltoids, while a more narrow grip will use more of your triceps. One you have found the grip that works for you you will lift the bar and control is down until it is on your lower stern, from this point you will press the bar back up above you, repeat this for as many repititions that you would like. I have also included a video below of what it looks like benching, and a Table of benching "standards" at the bottom for college aged men and women, I say this becuase it shows what you CAN be at but you don't need to be they are also just rough estimates based off of body weight, just work hard to get there!
  2. Incline DB Bench Press: Similar to how we set up the DB Shoulder Press set the DBs in front of you, set the bench to around a 30 degree angle from flat, from this point similar to the shoulder press you will knee the weights up towards your chest, the dumbells path should be constant for all reps and you should bring the weightws down next to your chest to get a good strech, return to the starting postion, and then repeat this workout as many times as you feel will help you reach your fitness goals relative to this body part.
  3. Wide Grip Machine Press: This workout is a certain machine that should be labeled as shown, but I will explain the set up. First you will simply add the weight you feel adequate for you and the rep range you are working for, from there move the seat up or down until the handles are in the middle of your chest and then grab the handles in a way that your knuckles, wrist, and elbows are all stack behind one another, from this point press forward, return to the starting postion and then repeat this workout for your desired rep range, this workout is great for getting a good strech in your chest.

Bench Press Standards for Men

Age Group Weight (lbs) Average Bench Press (lbs)
18-25 150-174 185
175-199 205
200+ 225+

Bench Press Standards for Women

Age Group Weight (lbs) Average Bench Press (lbs)
18-25 100-124 95
125-149 115
150+ 135+