Class and Workshop Resources

ADA (Administrator Development Academy)
Master's Seminar

ADA (Administrator Development Academy)

Finding Full Text Resources
A guide to full text links to periodical articles with a link to a comprehensive list of full text resources available at UC.
American Education Research Association's List of Electronic Journals
Provides access to scholarly journals that are free.

Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Electronic Journal Access Page
This is a link to the subject browse feature, e.g. search education. Includes both free and subscription only titles.
U.S. Dept. of Education Home Page
Check out the Research and Statistics Sections with ERIC Digests,Publications, and Search feature. Many items are available in full text.
ERIC Clearinghouse for Educational Management
Possible items of interest include:

Trends and Issues
Hot Topics
Directory of Organizations which includes link to the home page of the American Association of School Administrators with links to current issues, the full text of the School Administrator, and a job bulletin board

ERIC Wizard
"On-Demand" setting limits search to the electronic text of ED Documents.
Includes online ERIC Thesaurus to help with subject searching.

Professional Societies Home Pages of Interest to the Administrator
Ohio Department of Education
Includes proficiency test data, school report data, and a jobs bulletin board.
Internet Search Engines
A list of links to web search engines, metasearch engines, and searchable subject categories which includes Yahoo, etc. prepared by the University of Cincinnati Libraries Training and Education Department.

Master's Seminar

Exploring the Web
Research Handbooks and Encyclopedias
Using E*Subscribe to Find the Full Text or ERIC Documents
Finding the Full Text of JournalArticles and Annual Reviews on the WWW

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