Class and Workshop Resources
- ADA (Administrator Development Academy)
- Master's Seminar
ADA (Administrator
Development Academy)
- Finding Full Text Resources
- A guide to full text links to periodical
articles with a link to a comprehensive
list of full text resources available at UC.
American Education Research Association's List of Electronic Journals
- Provides access to scholarly journals that are free.
Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Electronic
Journal Access Page
- This is a link to the subject browse feature,
e.g. search education. Includes
both free and subscription only titles.
- U.S. Dept. of
Education Home Page
- Check out the Research and Statistics Sections
with ERIC Digests,Publications, and Search feature. Many items are available
in full text.
Clearinghouse for Educational Management
- Possible items of interest
- Trends and Issues
- Hot Topics
- Publications
- Directory of Organizations which includes
link to the home page of the American Association of School
Administrators with links to current issues, the full text of the
School Administrator, and a job bulletin board
- "On-Demand" setting limits search to the
electronic text of ED Documents.
- Includes online ERIC Thesaurus to help with
subject searching.
- Professional Societies
Home Pages of Interest to the Administrator
Ohio Department of Education
- Includes proficiency test data, school report data, and a jobs bulletin board.
- Internet Search Engines
- A list of links to web search engines, metasearch engines, and searchable
subject categories which includes Yahoo, etc. prepared by the University of
Cincinnati Libraries Training and Education Department.
Master's Seminar
- Exploring the Web
- Research Handbooks and Encyclopedias
- Using E*Subscribe to Find the Full Text or ERIC
- Finding the Full Text of JournalArticles
and Annual Reviews on the WWW
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