Short List of Research Handbooks and Encyclopedias
Please note that items listed below are available in the Langsam Library Reference Collection or Langsam stacks and are cited in an abbreviated rather than APA format.
Note: Other Titles found in your research on UCLID, electronic databases, and the Web beginning with Advances in, Annual Review of, Handbook, may be useful sources of research.
Berliner, David C and Robert C. Calfee. Handbook of Educational Psychology. 1996. (Ref/LB1051/.H234/1996)
Bishop, Alan J. International Handbook of Mathematics Education. 1996. (Stacks/QA.I67/1996)
Encyclopedia of Educational Research. 6th ed. 1992. (Ref/L901/.E57/1992)
Fraser, Barry J. and Kenneth G. Tobin. International Handbook of Science Education. 1998. (RefQ181.I6557)
Gabel, Dorothy L. Handbook of Research on Science and Learning. 1994 (Ref/Q181.A1H35/ 1994)
Jackson, P.W. Handbook of Research on Curriculum. 1992 (Ref/LB1570/.H264/1992)
Jonassen, David H. Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. 1996. (Ref/LB1028.3/.H355/1996)
Shaver, James P. Handbook of Research on Social Studies Teaching and Learning 1991. (Ref/LB1584/.H275/1991)
Spodek, B. Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children. 1993.(Ref/LB1119/.H25/1993)
Wittrock, M. Third Handbook of Research on Teaching. 1986. (Ref/LB1028/.S39/1986)
Current Sources of Educational Research
Advances in Education Research, 1993-date. (Gov Pub/ED1.317/4:)
OERI Bulletin ( , 1991-date. (Also available as a Gov Pub/ED1.303/2 and WWW)
Review of Research in Education, 1973-date. (LB1028/.R43)
Collections of Research Syntheses (
Educational Research and Improvement Reports and Studies.(