C & I Masters Seminar

Exploring the Web

This guide attempts to shorten surfing time on the WWW by showing several techniques to use in the NETSCAPE browser to locate information and to introduce the student to a variety of specific sources of information in education. Three Methods of Searching the WWW using NETSCAPE: 1. By specific URL or Web Address. Select the OPEN icon at top of screen and enter URL to locate OhioLINK Research Databases which include a WWW version of ERIC:


www.ohiolink.edu/db (short form)
http://www.ohiolink.edu/db (long form)

2. Using a Web Search Engine or Index. Select Search from from from Netscape Toolbar. Select Yahoo unless Yahoo is the search engine which is assigned. Enlarge your search by scrolling down and clicking on Alta Vista after viewing Yahoo results Enter search:


"ERIC digest*" (A fulltext series on current topics prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouses)


"ERIC digest*" reading language (narrows down by curriculum area)

Note: Enclosing a phrase in quotes retrieves that exact phrase in Yahoo and Alta Vista.

3. Selecting the Education category under a web search engine like, Yahoo, Infoseek, etc.


Choose Yahoo, Education, then Organizations, and then American Education Research Association,which leads to a variety of education interests including listservs.

Three Useful types of Internet Resources:

1. Professional Societies:


2. State Government:


Job Openings at Ohio School Districts


Vital Reports and Profiles of Ohio School Districts

To locate proficency test results. choose Pre-Generated Reports and scroll down to Proficiency Test Results

3. Federal Government:


NCES (National Center for Educational Statistics)


AskERIC(Educational Resources Information Center)

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Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Emily Grimm
Education and Criminal Justice Bibliographer,
University Libraries, University of Cincinnati