Part 4

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Produce Codes
While many of these codes the average Joe will probably never use, and many of them are possibly outdated, there is still merit to knowing them. The most important codes are specially marked.
- Items Priced by quantity are donated by a "ea"
- Items Priced by weight are donated by a "#"
- Looking for an organic item? They are just their normal counterparts with a "9" at the beginning.
Aloe Vera Leaves | 3064 |
Anise ea | 4515 |
Apples Ambrosia # | 3438 |
Apples Braeburn # | 4103 |
Apples Cameo # | 3066 |
Apples Fuji # | 4131 |
Apples Gala Small ea | 4132 |
Apples Gala # | 4135 |
Apples Gold Del Lrg # | 4020 |
Apples Granny Smith Lg # | 4017 |
Apples Honeycrisp # | 3283 |
Apples Jazz | 3294 |
Apples Jonagold Lg # | 4147 |
Apples McIntosh Lg # | 4154 |
Apples Pink Lady # | 4128 |
Apples Red Del XL # | 3284 |
Apples Red Del LG # | 4015 |
Apples Gold Del Sml ea | 4021 |
Apples Red Del Sml ea | 4015 |
Apples Fuji Sml ea | 4129 |
Apricots # | 4218 |
Artichokes ea | 4762 |
Artichokes Purple ea | 4518 |
Asparagus # | 4080 |
Asparagus White # | 4523 |
Avocados Calif Sml ea | 4225 |
Bananas # | 4011 |
Red Bananas # | 4236 |
Bananas Ripe # | 4237 |
Beans Chinese Long # | 4527 |
Beans Green # | 4066 |
Beans Pole # | 4530 |
Beets Bunch ea | 4539 |
Bittermelon | 4783 |
Bok Choy # | 4545 |
Bok Choy Baby ea | 4544 |
Broccoflower ea | 4567 |
Broccoli ea | 4060 |
Broccoli Crowns | 3082 |
Broccolini | 3277 |
Brussel Sprouts ea | 4550 |
Cabbage Celery # | 4822 |
Cabbage Green # | 4069 |
Cabbage Red # | 4554 |
Cabbage Savoy # | 4555 |
Cactus Pears | 4225 |
Carrots Bulk # | 4562 |
Cauliflower ea | 4079 |
Cauliflower Orange ea | 3436 |
Cauliflower Purple ea | 4568 |
Celery | 4070 |
Celery Root # | 4585 |
Cherries Ranier # | 4285 |
Cherries Red # | 4045 |
Cilantro ea | 4889 |
Coconuts ea | 4260 |
Corn Bulk | 4590 |
Cucumber Hot House ea | 4593 |
Cucumbers ea | 4062 |
Dill ea | 4891 |
Dragon Fruit | 3040 |
Egg Plant # | 4081 |
Egg Plant Baby | 4599 |
Feijoa ea | 4265 |
Garlic ea | 4610 |
Ginger Root # | 4612 |
Grapefruit Red | 4027 |
Grapefruit White XL ea | 3157 |
Grapes Black # | 4056 |
Grapes LG Red Seeded # | 4636 |
Grapes Red Seedless # | 4023 |
Grapes White Seedless | 4022 |
Greens Collard ea | 4614 |
Greens Kale ea | 4627 |
Greens Mustard ea | 4616 |
Greens Turnip ea | 4619 |
Guava | 4299 |
Horned Melon | 4302 |
Horseradish Root # | 4625 |
Jack Fruit | 24481 |
Jicama (Hicama) # | 4626 |
Kholorabi Bunch ea | 4628 |
Kiwi | 4030 |
Kumquat ea | 4303 |
Leek Bunch ea | 4629 |
Lemons ea | 4053 |
Lemon Grass | 4894 |
Lettuce Bibb # | 4631 |
Lettuce Boston # | 4632 |
Lettuce Endive French # | 4543 |
Lettuce Endive # | 4604 |
Lettuce Escarole # | 4605 |
Lettuce Green Leaf # | 4076 |
Lettuce Iceberg LG ea | 4061 |
Lettuce Radicchio # | 4738 |
Lettuce Red Leaf # | 4075 |
Lettuce Romaine ea | 4640 |
Lettuce Swiss Chard | 4587 |
Limes ea | 4048 |
Malanga Root | 4644 |
Mangoes ea | 4959 |
Melons Cantaloupe ea | 4050 |
Melons Casaba # | 4320 |
Melons Crenshaw ea | 4322 |
Melons Honeydew # | 4034 |
Melons Ind. Home Grown | 4319 |
Melons Orange Flesh # | 4237 |
Melons Watermelon ea | 4031 |
Melons Personal Watermelon ea | 3421 |
Melon Watermelon Seedless ea | 4032 |
Mint ea | 4896 |
Mushrooms Reg # | 4085 |
Nappa # | 4552 |
Nectarines # | 4378 |
Nectarines White # | 3035 |
Okra # | 4655 |
Onions Sets Yellow # | 4508 |
Onions Chipilini # | 4867 |
Onions Green (Scallions) | 4068 |
Onions Knob | 4863 |
Onions Yellow Onion # | 4093 |
Onions White # | 4663 |
Onions White Peeled # | 4670 |
Onions Red # | 4082 |
Onions Red Peeled # | 4669 |
Onions Vidalia # | 4159 |
Onions Sweet Peeled # | 4851 |
Oranges Blood ea | 4390 |
Oranges Nvel Sml ea | 4013 |
Oranges Navel Med ea | 3107 |
Oranges Valencia | 4382 |
Oranges Temple ea | 4387 |
Papayas ea | 3111 |
Papaya Meridol ea | 3112 |
Passion Fruit ea | 4397 |
Parsley ea | 4899 |
Parsnips # | 4672 |
Peaches | 4038 |
Peaches California (Yellow) # | 4044 |
Peaches Donut/Saturn # | 3113 |
Peaches Southern | 4403 |
Peaches White | 4401 |
Pears Asian Brown # | 4408 |
Pears Bartlett # | 4409 |
Pears Bosc # | 4413 |
Pears D'Anjou Red # | 4417 |
Pears Red # | 4410 |
Peppers Gold Bell # | 4680 |
Peppers Green Bell ea | 4065 |
Peppers Red Bell ea | 4688 |
Peppers Orange Bell ea | 3121 |
Peppers Habenero # | 3125 |
Pepper Mixed Hot Chili # | 4691 |
Pepper Anaheim # | 4677 |
Pepper Hungarian Chili # | 4692 |
Pepper Jalepeno # | 4693 |
Pepper Red Chili # | 4702 |
Pepper Poblano # | 4705 |
Pepper Pasilla | 4701 |
Pepper Serano # | 4709 |
Persimmons ea | 4428 |
Pineapple ea | 4430 |
Plantain # | 4235 |
Plums Black # | 4039 |
Plums Red # | 4042 |
Plums Yellow # | 4442 |
Pluots # | 3278 |
Pomegranites ea | 3440 |
Potatoes Fingerling | 4919 |
Potatoes Russet | 4072 |
Potatoes Red Sm # | 3221 |
Potatoes Sweet # | 4816 |
Potatoes Sweet Purple # | 54878 |
Potatoes Sweet White # | 4091 |
Potatoes Yukon Gold # | 4727 |
Pummelo ea | 3129 |
Pumpkins Lg ea | 4736 |
Pumpkins Sm (Pie) ea | 3134 |
Pumpkins White ea | 3132 |
Radish Red Bunch # | 4089 |
Rambuten | 3041 |
Rapini | 4547 |
Rhubarb # | 4745 |
Rutabagas # | 4747 |
Sea Beans | 4532 |
Shallots # | 4662 |
Snow Peas # | 4092 |
Sugar Snap Peas # | 4675 |
Sunchokes # | 4791 |
Spinach Bunch # | 4090 |
Squash Acorn # | 4750 |
Squash Acorn Golden # | 4751 |
Squash Acorn White # | 4752 |
Squash Buttercup # | 4758 |
Squash Butternut # | 4759 |
Squash Coyote # | 4761 |
Squash Sweet Dumpling | 4764 |
Squash Hubbard # | 4768 |
Squash Spaghetti # | 4776 |
Squash Turban # | 4780 |
Squash White | 4781 |
Squash Yellow # | 4782 |
Star Fruit ea | 4256 |
Tangelo Mineola 66s ea | 4383 |
Tangelos 64s ea | 4456 |
Tangerines 120/150's ea | 4055 |
Tangerines Honey ea | 4453 |
Taro Root | 4794 |
Tomatillos # | 4801 |
Tomatoes Green # | 4506 |
Tomatoes Hot House | 4799 |
Tomatoes On The Vine # | 4664 |
Tomatoes Roma # | 4087 |
Tomatoes Roma Sm # | 54209 |
Tomatoes Slicers # | 4064 |
Tomatoes Yellow # | 4778 |
Tomatoes Yellow On | 3148 |
Turnips # | 4811 |
Ugli Fruit ea | 4459 |
Water Chestnuts # | 4814 |
Watercress Bunch ea | 4815 |
Yams Red # | 4817 |
Yams Regular | 4816 |
Yams White # | 4818 |
Yuca | 4819 |
Zucchini | 4067 |