Kroger Cashiering for Humans

Part 4


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Produce Codes

While many of these codes the average Joe will probably never use, and many of them are possibly outdated, there is still merit to knowing them. The most important codes are specially marked.

- Items Priced by quantity are donated by a "ea"
- Items Priced by weight are donated by a "#"
- Looking for an organic item? They are just their normal counterparts with a "9" at the beginning.

Aloe Vera Leaves 3064
Anise ea 4515
Apples Ambrosia # 3438
Apples Braeburn # 4103
Apples Cameo # 3066
Apples Fuji # 4131
Apples Gala Small ea 4132
Apples Gala # 4135
Apples Gold Del Lrg # 4020
Apples Granny Smith Lg # 4017
Apples Honeycrisp # 3283
Apples Jazz 3294
Apples Jonagold Lg # 4147
Apples McIntosh Lg # 4154
Apples Pink Lady # 4128
Apples Red Del XL # 3284
Apples Red Del LG # 4015
Apples Gold Del Sml ea 4021
Apples Red Del Sml ea 4015
Apples Fuji Sml ea 4129
Apricots # 4218
Artichokes ea 4762
Artichokes Purple ea 4518
Asparagus # 4080
Asparagus White # 4523
Avocados Calif Sml ea 4225
Bananas # 4011
Red Bananas # 4236
Bananas Ripe # 4237
Beans Chinese Long # 4527
Beans Green # 4066
Beans Pole # 4530
Beets Bunch ea 4539
Bittermelon 4783
Bok Choy # 4545
Bok Choy Baby ea 4544
Broccoflower ea 4567
Broccoli ea 4060
Broccoli Crowns 3082
Broccolini 3277
Brussel Sprouts ea 4550
Cabbage Celery # 4822
Cabbage Green # 4069
Cabbage Red # 4554
Cabbage Savoy # 4555
Cactus Pears 4225
Carrots Bulk # 4562
Cauliflower ea 4079
Cauliflower Orange ea 3436
Cauliflower Purple ea 4568
Celery 4070
Celery Root # 4585
Cherries Ranier # 4285
Cherries Red # 4045
Cilantro ea 4889
Coconuts ea 4260
Corn Bulk 4590
Cucumber Hot House ea 4593
Cucumbers ea 4062
Dill ea 4891
Dragon Fruit 3040
Egg Plant # 4081
Egg Plant Baby 4599
Feijoa ea 4265
Garlic ea 4610
Ginger Root # 4612
Grapefruit Red 4027
Grapefruit White XL ea 3157
Grapes Black # 4056
Grapes LG Red Seeded # 4636
Grapes Red Seedless # 4023
Grapes White Seedless 4022
Greens Collard ea 4614
Greens Kale ea 4627
Greens Mustard ea 4616
Greens Turnip ea 4619
Guava 4299
Horned Melon 4302
Horseradish Root # 4625
Jack Fruit 24481
Jicama (Hicama) # 4626
Kholorabi Bunch ea 4628
Kiwi 4030
Kumquat ea 4303
Leek Bunch ea 4629
Lemons ea 4053
Lemon Grass 4894
Lettuce Bibb # 4631
Lettuce Boston # 4632
Lettuce Endive French # 4543
Lettuce Endive # 4604
Lettuce Escarole # 4605
Lettuce Green Leaf # 4076
Lettuce Iceberg LG ea 4061
Lettuce Radicchio # 4738
Lettuce Red Leaf # 4075
Lettuce Romaine ea 4640
Lettuce Swiss Chard 4587
Limes ea 4048
Malanga Root 4644
Mangoes ea 4959
Melons Cantaloupe ea 4050
Melons Casaba # 4320
Melons Crenshaw ea 4322
Melons Honeydew # 4034
Melons Ind. Home Grown 4319
Melons Orange Flesh # 4237
Melons Watermelon ea 4031
Melons Personal Watermelon ea 3421
Melon Watermelon Seedless ea 4032
Mint ea 4896
Mushrooms Reg # 4085
Nappa # 4552
Nectarines # 4378
Nectarines White # 3035
Okra # 4655
Onions Sets Yellow # 4508
Onions Chipilini # 4867
Onions Green (Scallions) 4068
Onions Knob 4863
Onions Yellow Onion # 4093
Onions White # 4663
Onions White Peeled # 4670
Onions Red # 4082
Onions Red Peeled # 4669
Onions Vidalia # 4159
Onions Sweet Peeled # 4851
Oranges Blood ea 4390
Oranges Nvel Sml ea 4013
Oranges Navel Med ea 3107
Oranges Valencia 4382
Oranges Temple ea 4387
Papayas ea 3111
Papaya Meridol ea 3112
Passion Fruit ea 4397
Parsley ea 4899
Parsnips # 4672
Peaches 4038
Peaches California (Yellow) # 4044
Peaches Donut/Saturn # 3113
Peaches Southern 4403
Peaches White 4401
Pears Asian Brown # 4408
Pears Bartlett # 4409
Pears Bosc # 4413
Pears D'Anjou Red # 4417
Pears Red # 4410
Peppers Gold Bell # 4680
Peppers Green Bell ea 4065
Peppers Red Bell ea 4688
Peppers Orange Bell ea 3121
Peppers Habenero # 3125
Pepper Mixed Hot Chili # 4691
Pepper Anaheim # 4677
Pepper Hungarian Chili # 4692
Pepper Jalepeno # 4693
Pepper Red Chili # 4702
Pepper Poblano # 4705
Pepper Pasilla 4701
Pepper Serano # 4709
Persimmons ea 4428
Pineapple ea 4430
Plantain # 4235
Plums Black # 4039
Plums Red # 4042
Plums Yellow # 4442
Pluots # 3278
Pomegranites ea 3440
Potatoes Fingerling 4919
Potatoes Russet 4072
Potatoes Red Sm # 3221
Potatoes Sweet # 4816
Potatoes Sweet Purple # 54878
Potatoes Sweet White # 4091
Potatoes Yukon Gold # 4727
Pummelo ea 3129
Pumpkins Lg ea 4736
Pumpkins Sm (Pie) ea 3134
Pumpkins White ea 3132
Radish Red Bunch # 4089
Rambuten 3041
Rapini 4547
Rhubarb # 4745
Rutabagas # 4747
Sea Beans 4532
Shallots # 4662
Snow Peas # 4092
Sugar Snap Peas # 4675
Sunchokes # 4791
Spinach Bunch # 4090
Squash Acorn # 4750
Squash Acorn Golden # 4751
Squash Acorn White # 4752
Squash Buttercup # 4758
Squash Butternut # 4759
Squash Coyote # 4761
Squash Sweet Dumpling 4764
Squash Hubbard # 4768
Squash Spaghetti # 4776
Squash Turban # 4780
Squash White 4781
Squash Yellow # 4782
Star Fruit ea 4256
Tangelo Mineola 66s ea 4383
Tangelos 64s ea 4456
Tangerines 120/150's ea 4055
Tangerines Honey ea 4453
Taro Root 4794
Tomatillos # 4801
Tomatoes Green # 4506
Tomatoes Hot House 4799
Tomatoes On The Vine # 4664
Tomatoes Roma # 4087
Tomatoes Roma Sm # 54209
Tomatoes Slicers # 4064
Tomatoes Yellow # 4778
Tomatoes Yellow On 3148
Turnips # 4811
Ugli Fruit ea 4459
Water Chestnuts # 4814
Watercress Bunch ea 4815
Yams Red # 4817
Yams Regular 4816
Yams White # 4818
Yuca 4819
Zucchini 4067
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