Kroger Cashiering for Humans

Part 3

Frequently Asked Questions


Can we accept expired coupons?

No. I might do it if it just expired today and the value isn't high, but that would be a special case.

Coupons are giving errors that I have to override all the time even when they shouldn't, what's the deal?

A lot of the time the error message it gives you is the key to understanding why the coupon doesn't work. A lot of the time coupons can apply to a number of items from a brand, in which case it may give a "manufacturer valid" error. Sometimes the coupon is just straight up coded wrong and won't even register when the correct item is bought. If so, just override it or use the Manufacturer Coupon option from the Modify Trans page.

Digital Coupons

Are we allowed to give people digital coupon prices who haven't clipped them?

This is my single biggest gripe with Kroger as a company. Their policies on this subject are as close to "double-think" from Orwell's 1984 I have encountered. On the one hand no, we are not supposed to give them the digital price. On the other hand, Kroger's "Make it Right" policy insists that we are supposed to. In general, do what your management does. If the cashier next to you is giving people digital prices, but you aren't, the customers are going to be VERY angry. Trust me. Staying consistent in this is key.

However, no matter your stance, there are some coupons you definitely shoul not be handing out. Flat discounts like "$10 off $75" should not be put in manually. Many digital coupons have a limited number of uses (often 5), so if a customer wants you to override the price of his coke products, make sure you only override within the coupon's limit.

What's the best way to manually enter a digital coupon?

As of November 2023, the best way is to do a price override and select the digital coupon option, this makes it clear which item has received the sale. Otherwise typing "23456" will allow you to enter an amount for a generic discount labeled "Digital Coupon." I would not reccomend this option since it is rather vague.

The customer is wanting a digital coupon you can't find, what do you do?

First, check the Kroger app. Next, if their is a shelf label, check it. If it is neither of those places, have the customer pull up their kroger app. If it exists, it should be in their clipped coupons. Sometimes Kroger offers exclusive personal discounts to customers, so that might be why your not finding it. If it is not in any of these places, there really isn't anything you can do.


How do I tell if a card has NFC (tap) capabilities?

1.Just try it.
2.Look for a wifi symbol.

What happens if my check printer doesn't actually fill out the check?

You will just have to have the customer fill the rest of it out. By policy, we are not supposed to fill out customer checks ourselves. If the check printer is not working, check the ink ribbon.

The customer's EFT card doesn't have a chip or a swipe strip, only a barcode. What do I do?

Simply hit EFT, for once press ok, then while in the credit card number entry screen, simply scan the barcode. If Kroger accepts the card, it should go through. This type of card is common amount medical or foodstamp kindof things, and those can have pretty specific and confusing benefits, so often they might not work nonetheless.


What is the difference between Cucumbers and Zuccini?

Zuccini's have a rooty cap, cucumbers don't. Zuccini is more ridged while cucumbers are more smooth.

What's the difference between all the Broccolis?

The most common form of broccoli is "3082 - broccoli crowns/florets" which are sold by weight and never have a tag/barcode. Regular "4060 - Broccoli" will usually be bigger and have a tag on it. 4060 Broccoli is sold by quantity.

What is the difference between colored bell peppers?

Green bell peppers and cheaper than the other colors, but all the other colors are priced the same. Similarly, organic green bell peppers are cheaper than the others, though organic peppers are overall more expensive than regular ones.


How do I get and maintain a high IPM?

First and foremost is getting the experience and muscle memory, but there is another crucial thing to know about. Whenever there is any downtime between scanning, LOCK YOUR DRAWER. It's quick to lock and unlock with a short password, even quicker than totalling. It promotes security. Most importantly, it will eliminate any downtime that is ruining your IPM. I cannot stress how much this helps.

I can't get produce barcodes to scan, how do I do it quickly?

There are a couple of useful techniques. First if they are in plastic bags, either remove one or make sure the tag is right on the surface of the bag, to eliminate wrinkles in the bag that prevent scanning. Slowly ease the hand scanner closer and farther away from the tag, or press the tag right against the main scanner plate.
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