Kroger Cashiering for Humans

Kroger Cashiering for Humans

An unofficial resource for associates everywhere

Image of 4 Kroger workers from different departments on variously colored backgrounds.

Join our team!(1)

Kroji monstrosities in their full glory

Get to know Kroger!(2)

Image of Kroger Building

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Where am I, and what is this?

Welcome to Kroger Cashiering for Humans!

My name is Grant Rynders. I've worked at Kroger as a Courtesy Clerk and subsequently a Clerk for more than two years.
In training others and learning myself, I noticed a general absence of educational materials for new cashiers. In response, I have created this website to give new cashiers the ability to learn something without having to bug a manager at the last minute.
This website was also created as part of the Final Project for IT2040C Fundamentals of Web Development at the University of Cincinnati using only HTML and CSS.

This website is not officially endorsed nor can I confirm that everything is 100% correct, but I am making my best effort to ensure the highest level of accuracy to Kroger's policies.

Did I miss something? Contact Me:

(1) Image source: The Nice Branding Agency, 2023. CC BY-NC 2.0. Accessed via: link
(2) Image Adapted From: Kroger, 2023. CC BY-NC 2.0. Accessed via: link