Internet v WiFi
The internet is a huge network of routers and servers and connects devices from all over the world. The internet can be accessed by a wired connection as well as a wireless connection. You can use the WiFi to connect to the internet wirelessly or a cable for a physical connection. The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that are all interconnected.
The WiFi is a local connection that is used to connect different devices within a limited range, usually a home or business. WiFi is a wireless technology that uses radio waves to send data between different devices on the network. This allows for the different devices to connect to the interent wirelessly. The WiFi is a local wireless network that connects devices to a LAN (Local Area Network) of the internet.

If you want to learn more about Internet vs WiFi to get an even better undstanding, click on the link below to check out an article by Alex Sheehan called, "What's the difference between Wi-Fi and internet?"
Link to the article!