Spring 2001 was my first quarter teaching at UC. After each
class, I went to the Evening College faculty mailroom in French
Hall. At that time, classes had ended for the night, and the
building was dark and empty. There was usually one other person
in the mailroom when I arrived - Tom Smith of the Horticulture
program. Though it was often 9:45 PM, and both of us had been
working for about 14 straight hours, Tom's enthusasm and energy always
impressed me.
After finishing my graduate studies, I decided to become a lifelong
learner, and take Cincinnati Summer Horitculture from Smith.
After one class, I was sold. Since then, I've come back for two
more, and I hope to continue to take classes in the program as long as
I can.
During Cincinnati Summer Horticulture in 2002, I bought a house.
I had taken good notes in Smith's class, but I simply could not
remember the appearance and the names of each of the plants we
discussed. I learned a lesson for future Hort classes - take a
camera! I usually bring my digital camera and my phone camera
with me. I now post my class notes and pictures for everyone to
share and benefit. Whether you've taken classes from the Hort
program or not, please read and pass on these pages. If you
haven't taken a class yet, perhaps you'll consider
learning more about the
program after reading these notes.