30-IT-397 Intermediate Java

This is the second of three classes in the Java Series at the University of Cincinnati College of Applied Science/College of Evening and Continuing Education. For information about the series, see http://www.uc.edu/cece/brueggrf/HPCourseProposalsDocuments.asp

Class Syllabus
Revised 4/22/2002: shortened reading assignments
Revised 4/1/2003: Updated for Spring Quarter 2003
Reading for weeks 1 and 2
Class 3 In Class Exercise
Programming Assignment #1
Final Project Information

Slides Directory

(Also subject to significant revision)
Class 1: UML
Class 2: Patterns
Class 2: Exceptions
Class 3: Events
Class 4: Swing
Class 4 exercise
Class 5: Advanced Swing: JLists
    Objects and JLists
    List Models
    Open Lab: Create the example with me, then add a remove button to the frame to remove buildings.
Class 5: Threading
Class 6: Threading, continued
    Review of Class 5
    Open Lab Exercises
Class 7: Time for the Good Stuff
    HTML and Forms (Up to slide 511)
    Overview of Servlets and JSPs
    Open Lab Exercises
Class 8: Beginning JSP
    Open Lab Exercises
Class 9: Directives
    New Material: Session Tracking, JavaBeans
Class 10: Creating JSP Tag Libraries

    Open Lab Exercises

General Course Info

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