These pieces on the chess board are called pawns.
Pawns can only move forward.
From their starting position, pawns can move either one or two squares forward.
After moving from their initial position, they can only move forward one square at a time.
These pieces are called bishops.
A bishop moves diagonally and can move as many spaces as it would like as long as no pieces are blocking its path. You are given two bishops; One bishop covers the dark-squared boxes and the other one covers the light-squared boxes on the board.
These pieces are called knights.
A knight moves in an L-shape in any direction and is the only piece that can hop over other pieces.
These pieces are called rooks.
A rook moves horizontally/vertically and can move as many spaces as it would like as long as no pieces are blocking its path.
These pieces are called the queens. They are the most powerful piece on the board.
A queen can move in any direction and move as many spaces as it would like as long as no pieces are blocking its path.
These pieces are called the kings. These are the most important pieces on the board.
A king can only move one square in any direction and must stay protected by the other pieces.