
This is my page dedicated to the birds alongside the Ohio River, from Cincinnati to the Appalachian foothills. Check out the about page for more info about my birding!

New Birder? Head over to the Get Started page!

Species Spotlight - Northern Cardinal

A Pair of Northern Cardinals

There's no doubt that you have seen one of these at some point. If not in nature, then in photos or logos! This bird is the state bird of both Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, AND West Virginia! Who knew that even though there's so many birds in these areas, everyone would choose the same species to represent them. These birds are attracted to stationary or platform feeders, and filling it with black sunflower seeds will have them raving!

Local Organizations and Events

Ohio actually has a considerably large network of birding groups located within the state. I've detailed a couple different places to look for events and organizations to attend if you are interested in birding!

  • Ohio Department of Natural Resources

    This government website is a great resource for finding local areas to birdwatch at. In southern Ohio alone, there are around 50 different properties managed by the ODNR that you can go birding at.

  • Cincinnati Bird Club

    The Cincinnati Chapter of the National Audubon Society offers monthly meetings and field trips throughout the year. It does require a membership due, but the price is good, at $15/year for adults, $5/year for students, or $20/year for families.

  • University of Cincinnati Ornithology Club

    This is a UC student organization located at the Clifton Campus. The group has spent time building a community around birding, and has contributed volunteer hours to helping the conservation of local birds in the area.

Fall Information Dump

Fall is here! It is a great time for watching birds as they fly south for the winter. Everything from hummingbirds to big birds of prey like bald eagles and hawks. Ohio is a lucky state because we are in the path of two seperate migration paths - the Atlantic Flyway and the Mississipi Flyway. Check out my page on migration to see all of the birds coming through on these paths, and where to look for them.

Ohio River Fall View