Mediation of Transport by the NPC


Common features of the nucleoporins:

Contain FXFG, GLFG, FG sequence motifs
Nucleoporins that interact with transport factors:
   Nup 153, Tpr, Nup159, Nup116, Nup100, Nsp1, Nup53 (Stoffler et al. 1999)
FG nucleoporins located on both the nuclear and cytoplasmic areas of the NPC (Stewart et al. 2001)
Nup153, 98, CAN/Nup214, Nup116 interact with members of the importin ß family (Stoffler et al. 1999)

One model for transport across the pore:  "binding site tracks" 

Molecules moving through the pore are transported by a series of attaching and detaching to specific nucleoporins
Directionality could possibly be established by different binding tracks (Allen et al. 2000)
Different substrates appear to be transported using different tracks (Stewart et al. 2001)


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