The Sun

The Sun


the sun
A picture of the sun.

The sun is the biggest star in the solar system, at the center of it. As a star, the sun has no solid surface. Planets move around the sun through a process called orbiting where they will go in a circle, a full rotation is called a year. A planet's year depends on the distance from the sun and is usually measured in Earth days, however every planet has it's own length of days. The sun has a surface temperature of 10,000 degrees Farenheit.

Sun vs Other Stars

the sun vs other stars
An illustration showing the sun compared to other stars (Credit: NASA)

The Sun is the size of a normal star compared to many others in the universe, and is smaller than them. Being smaller in size also leads the sun to have a lower temperature than the bigger stars. The size of stars can also correlate to the type of star, different types of stars are capable of having different colors in addition to the already mentioned size and temperatures, of which the different ones rank higher in all categories.