
(2022). Computation of large-genus solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. submitted for publication.

Code ArXiv

(2022). Extreme superposition: High-order fundamental rogue waves in the far-field regime. in press, Memoirs AMS.


(2021). Far-field asymptotics for multiple-pole solitons in the large-order limit. Journal of Differential Equations.

Cite DOI ArXiv

(2018). Extreme superposition: Rogue waves of infinite order and the Painlevé-III hierarchy. Duke Mathematical Journal.

Cite Code DOI ArXiv

(2018). Benchmarking numerical methods for lattice equations with the Toda lattice. Applied Numerical Mathematics.

Cite Code DOI ArXiv

(2017). A robust inverse scattering transform for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Cite DOI ArXiv

(2017). Discrete integrable systems, Darboux transformations, and Yang–Baxter maps. CRM Series in Mathematical Physics.

Cite DOI ArXiv

(2017). Numerical inverse scattering for the Toda lattice. Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Cite Code DOI ArXiv