From Cardboard to Cat-Houses

Time to create your masterpiece.

Not that your cat will know the difference.

You'll need some supplies for your journey. You will need something that can cut, something that will hold your art together, and some materials for planning. Well, maybe not that last part if you're up for a more risky adventure. Refer to the Help page for more advice on the proper tools.

First: Get your cardboard. All of it.

A pile of boxes. It's not very big, but it will be more than enough.

Get an idea of what you want to build too. Make a drawing, look at your boxes, that kind of stuff.

A very good doodle of a house. Two boxes have been places caringly on top of each other. It kind of looks like the doodle from before.

Time to do some rough planning. Mark where you want doors, windows, then cut them out. If you're brave, you don't need a ruler.

A square door has been penciled onto the cardboard. They definetly used a ruler. One of the doors had been cut out, leaving a doorway for the kitty.

I can't forget a hole for the cat to get to his second level!

A rounded hole has been cut out form the top of the box. That will be how the cat can access the second story. They've put duct tape around the edges of the hole to make it smoother.

Test out the look and placement, and then it's time to secure it to the first floor! I wanted to be able to take it off, so I made some unusual supports.

They have placed the second box over the hole. Very interesting. They have made some supports. The supports are set up.

For the smaller roof I'm going to make the center support, and then attach the actual plates of cardboard.

The middle support for the roof is shown. They've put the support onto the house.

Now to use our supports. Here is how we're going to attach them.

They have cut out some rectangles for the roof. They've attached supports to the panels. Now the supports have been attached to the house. The small roof is up. Final picture of the newly-attached roof.

Now we have to finish the big roof. We'll do it about the same way as the smaller one.

They've made supports similar for the first roof onto this one. They've made the support for the other side. They've put the other support up.

Now you have to add the roof the saw way we did last time.

The larger roof has been attached

This is it. We are done, and Teddy has become a ho-meow-ner.

The finished product. Teddy, the cat, examines the house.