Tech Solutions UC

Simple tips to trouble shoot you divice!

Restart Your Device

  • Save any unsaved work adn close all open apps to ensure your data stays safe.
  • Power off your divice safely with the shutdown option from the Apple menu (Mac) or Start menu (Windows).
  • Wiat for your device to fullly power off.
  • Use your divices power button to power it back on
  • If useing mobile hold the power button until it powers off, then once off power it back on by holding the button again.

This can be a quick fix to mny problems, such as slowness, functions not working, freeze ups etc.

Check Internet Connections

  • Ensure you deivice is connected to an avalible Wi-Fi network by visiting your devices network settings.
  • To find your network setting head to settings of your device and look for an divider named Wi-Fi or network
  • On mobile head to settings on your device and toggle it on and off to reset it.
  • If its an issue with your modem, unplug it for 30 seconds then plug it back in.
  • If you are using a wired connection such as ethernet make sure its connected securely and it plug into an active port on your modem or wall.

Checking and resting you newtwork can help clear cashed item allowing it to run faster and solve connectivity issues.

Clear Your Cache and Cookies

  • Open your browser and open the settings menu.
  • Locate the privacy tab Or browsing data section in the settings menu.
  • Select option to clear browsing data.
  • Make sure to clear the cash and cookies from the specified time ranges or select all to clear everything.

Clearing your cash and cookies from your browser will make it forget any saved things it has but also make your browser use less resources on your device.

Update Software & Drivers

  • To update your operating system access the system settings on your device. Look for the option to check for updates first and then follow the prompts if given to download and install the update.
  • For updating apps or software open the respective application and check for updates within its setting or preference menu.
  • To update drivers on a Windows system go to your search bar at the start tab go to device manager then right click on the device you want, then left click update driver.
  • On a mac you can do this through the software update section in system preferences

Having an up-to-date operating system drivers allows a system to run with little to no issues.

Run Antivirus/Malware Scan

  • Open your antivirus software or Windows defender in settings and start a full system scan.
  • Allow the scan to run till it is complete as this process may take A few minutes up to an hour or so depending on how much data you have.
  • If any prompts communicating that there is a virus or threats detected follow what to do in Quarantine or remove them
  • Once done your PC will be free of threats.

Free Up storage

  • Access your device's storage settings or file manager.
  • Delete or move any unnecessary files such as temporary files downloads or old documents not being used.
  • Uninstall any unused applications by accessing Settings and storage for applications for Mac in the system settings

Freeing up storage and deleting unused applications will help your system run smooth and keep your storage low when you need to add new items to your device.

Check Task Manager for Resource hogging tasks

  • Open task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc for windows or the activity monitor by searching it in spotlight for Mac.
  • Observed the list of processes and apps running currently on your device and in the background.
  • Identify any tasks that are using a lot of memory, CPU or ram And end them if they are not needed during your current task.
  • To end a task on windows you Right click and Press end task and On Mac you use force quit.

Test Physical Connections

  • Inspect all cables and peripherals are connected to your device including power cords, USB cables, and monitors.
  • Insert cables are securely plugged in and not damaged.
  • You may also try unplugging and replugging in each connection to ensure they are connecting together properly and are securely fitted together.

Making sure all connections are properly secured and plugged in you can eliminate a point or point of problems on your device narrowing down to whatthe issue is.

Update Browser

  • Open your web browser and access the settings in preference menu.
  • Look for the option in your Browsers settings to check for updates and if there are any follow the prompts and install the latest version of your browser
  • Once the update is done it should automatically restart or reopen the application to apply the changes.

Having an up-to-date browser can solve compatibility issues with websites and other online assets.

Switch Browser

  • If you are experiencing issues with a specific browser you can close it and reopen it to reload assets and web pages.
  • If the problem persist you may want to try and use a different web browser to determine if it is specific to that browser
  • There are many popular web browsers which include chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera etc.

Switching browsers can help narrow down the issue of assets not loading or webpage is not loading. If you switch you can then tell if it's the browser causing issue or if it's just the website

Check for Overheating

  • To check for overheating use a system monitoring software check the temperatures.
  • Two great tools for this are MSI afterburner and HWiNFO.
  • Make sure your device is placed on a flat hard surface to allow your device proper ventilation.
  • Clean air intake and vent to ensure proper air flow.
  • If overheating is persistent you may want to have a professional look at it and probably replace thermal paste and pads.

An overheating system causes performance issues and can lead to your P C having a shorter lifespan and shutting off.

Retore Your System

  • This is for Windows system only and what you must do is open the control panel by searching for start menu.
  • Then click on system and security followed by system.
  • Click on system restore and follow the prompts
  • Please do note that this will revert your system settings and installed applications to a previous state or the factory state.

Restoring your windows system can be helpful when you need a fresh new system and or there is a major problem with it.

Disable Startup Programs

  • On a Windows system open task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc
  • Navigate to the start up tab to view a list of programs that launch automatically when turning on your PC and turn off any applications that are not necessary for your uses.

Disabling some startup processes allows your PC to start faster and keep task out of the background.

Use Event Viewer

  • Open the event viewer by typing event viewer in the start menu search bar.
  • Navigate to Windows Logs > Application/System/Security to view logs.
  • Look for error messages that might point towards what you are experiencing.

Using the event viewer for Windows is a powerful tool When trying to find issues with your system.

Run a System Dianostic

  • Running a system diagnostic can help point out if the issue is hardware or software related.
  • It can also help point out if drivers need to be updated or if there are issues with physical components on your device.

Use Safe mode

  • Power your device completely off and then hold your specific key to enter boot mode provided by your manufacturer to enter safe mode.
  • Safe mode loads only the essential system processes and drivers excluding 3rd party applications allowing you to single down software related issues

Run a File Checker

  • Open command prompt or a terminal and run it as a administrator.
  • For windows type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  • Wait for the task to finish.
  • For mac go to Applications > Utilities and open Disk Utility
  • select the storage medium you want and click first aid and run it.
  • Wait for the task to finish.

Running a file check can find errors and unneed files.

Display issues

  • Reseting the device may solve displying issue on an external or internal display.
  • locate and check any connection that are pluged into the display (power, hdmi, audio, DP).
  • Check to make sure they are snug and connected well.
  • Update drivers related to graphics.
  • Check your divices settings to see if display settings need to be changed.

Check Physical Hardware

  • Look at the physical condition of your device for damage that can cause issues.
  • clear fans and vents of dust to stop or prevent overheating.
  • Use technology-related cleaning products to clean the device.
  • contact the manufacture of your device if replacement is needed.

Keeping your pc hardware in top shape will help prolong the life of your device.

Seek Profesional ASsistiance

  • If you've exhausted all troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues, consider seeking professional assistance.
  • Contact your device manufacturer's support team or schedule an appointment with a certified technician for further diagnosis and repair.
  • Best of luck!