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Data Visualization

Data visualization plays a crucial role in understanding and improving user experiences. It involves presenting complex data in visually accessible formats, making it easier to identify patterns and insights. By employing effective data visualization techniques, UX professionals can analyze user behavior, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and identify areas for improvement in digital products. Visualizing UX metrics such as user engagement, conversion rates, and user satisfaction provides valuable insights that inform design decisions, ultimately leading to more user-centric and successful digital experiences.

metric card

Key Factors for Effective Data Visualization in a Dashboard

Creating an effective data visualization dashboard requires careful consideration of several key factors to ensure that the information is presented clearly and provides value to users. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when visualizing data in a dashboard:

Data Tables and Dashboards

Collecting the correct data for creating visuals in a dashboard is essential because it ensures the accuracy and relevance of the displayed information, enabling informed decision-making. By selecting and structuring data effectively, you can enhance the visual storytelling and the overall effectiveness of your dashboard in conveying meaningful insights to users.

Here is an example of a data table to visualize your data.

Category FB IG Ads Other
Leads 8 20 25 2
Calls 10 20 8 12
Appntmnts 11 19 8 3
Demos 10 4 17 5
Argmnts 8 12 13 6
ESCROW 7 18 23 5
Closed 1 1 1 1
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