J. Lee, S. Goker, S. Lim, and C.I. Hong,
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J. Park, Y. Kim, W. Lee, V. Pfeifer, V. Muraveva, C. Beta, and S. Lim,
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A. Barrett, A.L. Fogelson, M.G. Forest, C. Gruninger, S. Lim and B.E. Griffith,
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J. Park, Y. Kim, W. Lee, and S. Lim,
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D. Kim, Y. Kim, and S. Lim, Effects of swimming environment on bacterial motility,
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T. Matsu-ura, A. Dovzhenok, S.T. Coradetti, K.R. Subramanian, D.R. Meyer, J.J. Kwon,
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