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The Source
  UC ingot First, look at the source of my TempGetter command line interface.  Notice how simple (and RMI-like) the class is.

 * Created on May 21, 2003, 11:57 PM

import electric.registry.Registry;

 * @author  unknown
 * @version 
public class TempGetter {

    /** Creates new TempGetter */
    public TempGetter() {
     * Prompt the user for zip code, get the temp, display.
    public void run() {
        try {
            System.out.println("In run");
            ITemperaturePortType temps = TemperatureServiceHelper.bind();
            System.out.println("Got temps, prompting user.");
            String zip = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the ZIP.");
            float selectedTemp = temps.getTemp("45202");
            System.out.println("Temperature: " + selectedTemp);
            javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Temperature: " + selectedTemp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception caught in run().  Message: " +e.getMessage());
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        TempGetter tg = new TempGetter();;


  • Now, the two files that GLUE generated.  Again, note the simplicity.

// generated by GLUE/wsdl2java on Wed May 21 23:26:56 EDT 2003
public interface ITemperaturePortType
  float getTemp( String zipcode );

// generated by GLUE/wsdl2java on Wed May 21 23:26:56 EDT 2003
import electric.registry.Registry;
import electric.registry.RegistryException;

public class TemperatureServiceHelper
  public static ITemperaturePortType bind() throws RegistryException
    return bind( "file://Projects/30IT398/chatService/genserver/TemperatureService.wsdl" );

  public static ITemperaturePortType bind( String url ) throws RegistryException
    return (ITemperaturePortType) Registry.bind( url, ITemperaturePortType.class );

  • Screen capture of the running program, using 45202 at 12:45 AM on 5/22/2003:


 Open Lab 

Your choice:

  • Write a quick interface.  Generate the classes for a Web Service.  Use either GLUE or jwsdp
  • Make a sexier UI for the TempGetter.
  • Make a client for another Web Service on