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JavaBean Optimizations
  UC ingot There are at least two ways we can optimize our bean.
  • First, we could pull in initial data for our three variables from a configuration file, perhaps an XML file.  
    • But we haven't really covered XML yet, much less file IO.
    • Needless to say, if you're feeling aggressive, here's what it should look like:
                File f = new File(datasource.xml);
                DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document doc = builder.parse(f);
                Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    • Then we iterate through the children of root to find the XML elements of interest. Again, let's save this discussion for a few weeks. 
  • We really need to keep the data and the GUI separated.  We could create a GUI that interfaces with our database bean, but is a separate class.  There are still two ways to do this:
    • The GUI has buttons that simply set values in the database bean.  This is probably the best option because the data are not duplicated.
    • On the other hand, the GUI could be a bean as well.  
      • It could have a local cache of data for display.
      • The database bean can register itself with the GUI bean as a listener, and then listen for changes to properties.
      • When its setter methods are called on the GUI, it fires an event to the database bean listener, and the database bean is updated as well.
    • Again, to avoid redundancy of data, Option 1 is probably our best bet.  It is also easiest to implement.  But I chose Option 2, because there are many times we want to have local caches, and this option further allows us to demonstrate bound properties.
  • A side note when making GUI beans...
    • GUI beans are JPanels, but when we make a GUI form in an IDE, we make a JFrame.
    • So..... I simply made a JFrame and then copy and pasted what I needed to a traditional bean that extends JPanel.  Granted, it took  a few attempts to get it to compile, but it is better than writing a GUI from scratch!
 Database Bean (revised) 
 Screen Capture 
