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Make Your Own Bean
  UC ingot Open lab practice, not for a grade.
  • Create a database JavaBean similar to the one I created.
    • Start with a new file, or choose New-Bean, or even start with my source code.
    • Make the manifest and jar files.
    • Import into your IDE.
    • Add it to a Swing application.  Make a call from the Swing application to the initialization and runQuery methods.  See if you get data.
    • If you get really adventurous, and have the time, display the output in the GUI.  Perhaps in a table.
    • Or, make a JTextField where the user can enter a query.
  • Take your time, ask questions.  Given the size of this lab, I don't expect you to complete this entire lab in the time given.  Feel free to deviate from the instructions if it helps your learning process.