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Complex Analysis I |
15-Math-604-001 |
Winter Quarter 2005 |
There are zillions of books about Complex Analysis available in the Geo-Math-Physics Library. I have put a number of these on open reserve---if you check one out at the end of the day, you can keep it over night. Below is a short list of texts which I think are pretty good. For the most part, I will follow Ahlfors. The books by Carathéodory are very geometric, which I quite like. The book by Greene & Krantz is interesting and takes a novel approach. The books by McGehee and Palka are elementary with lotsa details presented. The books by Greene & Krantz, McGehee, and Palka are all loaded with good problems.
A | Ahlfors | Complex Analysis (third edition) |
C | Carathéodory | Theory of Functions (of a complex variable) Vols. I & II (second edition) |
GK | Greene & Krantz | Function Theory of One Complex Variable (second edition) |
M | McGehee | An Introduction to Complex Analysis |
P | Palka | An Introduction to Complex Function Theory |
General Syllabus Chapters: 1-4 in A; 1-3,6 in GK; 1-3 in M; I-V,IX in P
Course Goals First and foremost, this is a course geared towards teaching you to think, act, and problem solve like a mathematician. Of particular importance, to me, is your acquiring the ability to communicate mathematical ideas effectively. This means learning how to read, and especially to write, mathematical proofs. We shall accomplish this in the guise of studying elementary complex analysis and the roots of geometric function theory. A subgoal, at least for some of you, is preparation for the preliminary PhD examination in complex analysis; I will have more to say about this in spring quarter (at which time I will run a prelim practice problem session).
Grades Your final course grade will be determined from your performance on a midterm exam, a final exam, your homework scores, and class and problem session participation. Roughly speaking, an A means your work is at the PhD level, a B indicates masters level work, and anything less describes work which is not at the graduate level.
Homework & Problem Session I will have a long list of suggested problems for you to solve. I plan to have a weekly hour long (90 minutes if possible!) problem session. Here I will expect you, the students, to present solutions to certain of the homework problems. We can also talk about the other problems and/or topics from the lectures. On the first day of class we will decide when to hold the problem session. I will also ask you write up and hand in solutions to certain exercises; these will be graded and returned to you. I'll say more about this in class.
Below I list information regarding: this week's hot topics , suggested problems, homework.
21-23 Sept This week we get started by learning complex arithmetic with an emphasis on the geometric view point.Here are suggested problems for each indicated section in Ahlfors. In general you should try to solve all of the problems in Ahlfors, especially if you are planning to take the preliminary examination in Complex Analysis; but, be aware that some of Ahlfors' problems require some ingenuity. As I mentioned above, the other books also have many many good problems, many of which are routine.
Here is the assigned homework with due dates. (Here, again is a link to a pdf file for a list of these homework problems). The "Problems Due" are to be handed in during class on the indicated dates. The "For Session" problems will be discussed in that week's problem session.
Due Dates | Problems Due | For Session | ||
21,23 Sept | No Class | First Day | 3 | No Session |
26,28,30 Sept | 4 | 8 | 10 | 2,5-8 |
3,5,7 Oct | 13 | 14 | 23 | 12,16-21 |
10,12,14 Oct | 24 | 27 | 34 | 25-33 |
17,19,21 Oct | 35 | 42 | 44 | 1-43 |
24,26,28 Oct | 46 | MidTerm | 0 | 44-51 |
31; 2,4 Nov | 59,62 due Fri | Review MT | ||
7,9,11 Nov | 65,70 due Wed | Vets Day | 55,60,63,69 | |
14,16,18 Nov | 68, 73, 79 due Fri | 72, 74-78 | ||
21,23,25 Nov | 81 due Wed | Trky Day | 80, 82, 83 | |
28,30; 2 Dec | 88 due Fri | 1-87 | ||
9 Dec | Final Exam 1:30-3:30 | Review |