ASTRONOMY: Planets, Stars and Life

Professor Margaret M. Hanson,
Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati

Link site for my courses

Astronomy Lab:

Below you can access the syllabus for the most current (Lab has been discontinued) astronomy lab I have supervised.

Other presentations I happen to have on-line:

These courses fulfill the General Education Breadth of Knowledge (BoK) area of Natural Sciences. It promotes the development of the following Baccalaureate Competencies: Critical Thinking and Knowledge Integration. The 2-credit Astronomy lab can also be taken each quarter if the student has such a desire or need. Students are strongly encouraged to be concurrently enrolled in the Astronomy Course while taking the Astronomy Lab. However, there are no prerequisites for any of the courses and they can be taken in any order.

    Want to know more? Send me an email: margaret dot hanson at uc dot edu

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