15-Phys-121 Winter Quarter 2003:
Astronomy & the Natural Universe: Stars & Galaxies
Professor Hanson. Office/Phone: 420 Geology-Physics, 513-556-0524

Lecture Notes available where Lecture title is 'clickable'

Dates Topic and Lecture Notes (click on Title) Reading*
M Jan 6 (L1) The Electromagnetic Spectrum Ch 3, 4
W Jan 8 (L2) Light and Matter Ch 4
F Jan 10 (L3) The Sun Ch 10
M Jan 13 (L4) The Sun Ch 10
W Jan 15 (L5) The Sun Ch 10
F Jan 17 TEST 1 Light and The Sun Ch 3, 4, 10
W Jan 22 (L6) Properties of Stars Ch 11
F Jan 24 (L7) Properties of Stars Ch 11
M Jan 27 (L8) Star Formation & Structure Ch 12
W Jan 29 (L9) Star Formation & Structure Ch 12
F Jan 31 TEST 2 Star Properties, Formation, Structure Ch 11, 12
M Feb 3 (L10) Stellar Death Ch 13
W Feb 5 (L11) Stellar Death Ch 13
F Feb 7 (L12) Stellar Death Ch 13
M Feb 10 (L13) Neutron Stars Ch 14
W Feb 12 (L14) Black Holes Ch 14
F Feb 14 TEST 3 Stellar Death & Compact Objects Ch 13, 14
M Feb 17 (L15) The Milky Way Ch 15
W Feb 19 (L16) The Milky Way Ch 15
F Feb 21 (L17) The MW and External Galaxies Ch 15, 16
M Feb 24 (L18) External Galaxies Ch 16
W Feb 26 (L19) External Galaxies Ch 16
F Feb 28 TEST 4 The Milky Way & External Galaxies Ch 15, 16
M Mar 3 (L20) Active Galaxies Ch 17
W Mar 5 (L21) Active Galaxies Ch 17
F Mar 7 (L22) Cosmology Ch 18
M Mar 10 (L23) Cosmology Ch 18
W Mar 12 (L24) Cosmology Ch 18
F Mar 14 TEST 5: Active Galaxies and Cosmology Ch 17,18

*Textbook, "Astronomy, The Solar System and Beyond", Author: M.A. Seeds.