Robot Design --20-265-638-001

            Spring Quarter 2000, Room 748 Baldwin

            Tuesday 5:00--7:40 PM

            Instructor: Professor Ernest L. Hall, Room 659 Baldwin

Phone: 556-2730, FAX: 556-4116, Email:, Pager: 249-3197

            Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 1:00-2:00 PM

Textbook: L. Sciavicco and B. Siciliano, Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators,

Course notes are also used. Computer Usage: Programming with MATLAB and SIMULINK and a symbolic processor such as Mathcad or Mathematica.


Laboratory Project: A class design project is conducted individually for an industrial robot or AGV. This project requires about 10% of the student's time for the course. A written technical report and presentation are required of the analytical robot design.

Grading System:     Quiz 1                                                 OPEN BOOK            25%

Quiz 2                                                 CLOSED BOOK       25%

Project                                                Written Report           15%

Project Presentation             Oral Report                10%

Homework                                                                             25%

Topics. The analysis and design of an industrial robot is studied starting from payload and repeatability specifications and ending with the design. Robot design tools are used for manipulator kinematics and dynamics and control stability.

Lecture                      Date                                                               Description

1.                                 3/28/2000                                                      Robot System Design, Ch.1

                                                                                                            Spatial descriptions, Ch. 2


Child's Play - Tokico



Recent Robot Invention - Comau Tricept



Intelligent Industrial Robots Paper



Robot Servo System Block Diagram

Courtsey of Cincinnati Milacron


2.                                 4/ 4/2000                                                        Transformation Matrices                                                                                                      D-H Convention


Translation 1



Translation 2



Translation 3



Translation 4



Rotation 1



Rotation 2






Perspective 1



Perspective 2





3.                                 4/ 11/2000                                                     Industrial Robot Examples


Cylindrical robot



Cylindrical frames



Spherical robot and frames



Jointed arm robot and frames


                                                                                                            Kinematics of AGV

4.                                 4/18/2000                                                      AGV Examples, Mathcad

Clarification on Homework due next week. Three robots, cylindrical, spherical, jointed.

Forward kinematics, done in homogeneous coordinates by hand and with Mathcad.

Inverse kinematics done by hand and with Mathcad as extra credit.

                                                                                                            Redundancies, Ch.3

5.                                 4/25/2000                                                      Dynamics, Ch. 4, Quiz 1

                                                                                                            Dynamic Models

6.                                 5/2/2000                                                                     Inverse Dynamics

                                                            Trajectory Planning, Ch. 5

7.                                 5/9/2000                                                         Operational Space, Quiz 2

                                                Motion Control

8.                                 5/16/2000                                                      Stability

                                                                                                Bode Analysis

9.                                 5/23/2000                                                      Examples

                                                            Force Control, Ch.7

10.                               5/30/2000                                                                  Remote Manipulators



FINAL             Thursday 6/8/2000, 12:00-2:00 pm or TBA                                               Report Presentations