Type Three Secretion


Type three secretion involves the formation of a complex in bacteria which is used to inject various proteins into the host cell. 

Locus of Enterocyte Effacement

A pathogenicity island which contains genes required for lesion formation:

    Eae: intimin (25kDa) attaches to Tir

    EspB (37kDa) and EspD (39kDa): form a pore complex in the host cell (needle tip)

    Tir (90kDa): receptor which is translocated and inserted into host membrane  


The Needle

Can reach up to 600nm in length.

EspA (25kDa) filament is a 5-stranded helix with ridges and troughs

The hollow central channel is smooth and is 25Angstroms in diameter.

Pierces the host cell.

Injects bacteria proteins into the host.




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