Central PIKIMO Website

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PIKIMO ("Phenomenology in Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio") is a series of informal pheno meetings, geared towards graduate students and young postdocs. Its goal is to connect researchers at "local" institutions in the midwest (roughly at driving distance from each other). The meetings usually happen on a Saturday during the fall and spring terms and feature short presentations, one or two longer talks by invited keynote speakers, and ample time of discussion during lunch and coffee breaks.


PIKIMO 18 will be hosted at U Kentucky on April 19, 2025. Mark the date -- details will follow!

Future Meetings

For all future meetings, we will follow a rotation scheme for the host institutions:

Fall 2025: Northwestern U
Spring 2026: PITT PACC
Fall 2026: U Notre Dame
Spring 2027: Cincinnati U
Fall 2027: Ohio State U
Spring 2028: Indiana U
Fall 2028: U Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Spring 2029: LCPT U Michigan
Fall 2029: U Kentucky

This scheme is based on past installments; changes can be discussed during the PIKIMO meetings.


For questions, contact Joachim Brod.

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