Gamma Iota Sigma: Gamma Chapter

Executive President


Patrick Gormley

A second year student currently majoring in Insurance & Risk Management. He helps to lead and manage the Gamma Chapter and represent it at a national level.

Executive Vice President


Maura Homan

A third year student majoring in Insurance & Risk Management and Marketing. Her role entails helping the President with delegation and administrative tasks.

Internal Communications


Thomas Schadek

A second year Economics/Insurance and Risk Management major. Responsible for sending weekly newsletters and communicating to the chapter about our weekly meetings.

External Communications


Roan Postich

A second year student majoring in Urban Planning and minoring in Insurance and Risk Management. His role entails communications with businesses and organizations outside the chapter.

Social/Alumni Chair


Cole Corpora

A second year student currently majoring in Insurance & Risk Management. His role entails creating social events and connecting with past alumni.



Jaida Martin

A first year student majoring in Insurance & Risk Management. Her role requires logging meeting information as well as maintaining communications with Grand Chapter.



Alyssa Blumenschein

A second year majoring in Finance and Insurance & Risk Mangement. Her role has her managing the money flow and other financial needs.

Student Advisor


William Kegg

A fourth year double majoring in Business Analytics and Insurance & Risk Management. He helps to lead and manage the Gamma Chapter and represent it at a national level.



Sam Geiger

A third year student majoring in Insurance & Risk Management. He manages recruiting efforts by gathering support for the organization.



Ellie Brorein

A second year student majoring in Insurance & Risk Management. She manages recruiting efforts by gathering support for the organization.

Media Development Head


Benjamin Kegg

A first year Information Technology major and minor in Insurance & Risk Management. He focuses on creating media and helping with technology.