BeckGroup Theoretical Chemistry: Home
Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati

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Energy course: Ecourse
Current Course: StatMech/Thermo
The Feynman lectures on physics: Feynman
Documentary about Feynman's love of science: Feynman "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out"
The Einstein Papers Project: Einstein
Cincinnati Dancing Pigs Jugband on TV: DancingPigs
Cincinnati Dancing Pigs webpage: DancingPigsWeb
Artist Charles Beck on public TV: Charles Beck
Artist Charles Beck on YouTube: Charles Beck video
The Art of Charles Beck: Charles Beck Art
The Art of Charles Beck google images: Charles Beck Art google images
Charles Beck obituary 9/12/17: Charles Beck obit MPR
Charles Beck news story: Charles Beck news story
Charles Beck bio: Charles Beck biography

This is the homepage for the Thomas Beck research group. We work in the areas of theoretical and computational chemistry. Our research is focused on water, interfaces, biophysics, specific ion effects in water, and ions in other solvents for energy storage applications. Classical, quantum, and statistical physics approaches are used in our research. A listing of our publications can be found at the bottom of TLB's vita here and linked above.

Please browse the links at the top of the page for more information on our research areas, teaching efforts, group members, and links to useful sites.

Our group is located in 1301 Crosley Tower on the University of Cincinnati campus. Our contact information is: Prof. Thomas L. Beck, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172, 513-556-4886, TLBemail (

The photo at the top of this page is Mt. Schaeffer (on the right), near Lake O'hara in the Canadian Rockies. This is the first mountain TLB climbed (in 1971 with his father Linwood).

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