Walter H. Bucher

About Walter Bucher, by George B. Barbour

Memorial by John Rouse and Charles Behre

A Biographical Memoir, by W. H. Bradley

Visit by Walter Bucher (right) and department (Lucile & Richard Durrell on the left) to the Boissevain Fuel Co. in Boissevain, VA

The following is from the Bradley Memoir listed above

Bucher was elected President of the Ohio Academy of Sciences in 1935 and to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1938. H e became chairman of the Division of Geology and Geography of the National Research Council for the term 1940-1943 and was President of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1946. He was Vice President (1948) and President (1950-1953) of the American Geophysical Union. In 1953 he served as Vice President of Section E of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1954 he was elected Vice President and in 1955 President of the Geological Society of America, which Society he had served earlier as Councilor (1935-1937).

He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an Honorary Member and Foreign Correspondent of Societe Geologique de France, and an Honorary Member of Societe Geologique Belgique and of the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. In 1955 he received the William Bowie Medal of the American Geophysical Union, in 1955 the Leopold von Buch Medal of the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, and in 1960 the Penrose Medal of the Geological Society of America.

Honorary doctor degrees were awarded him in 1947 by Princeton University, in 1957 by Columbia University, in 1962 by Durham University, England, and in 1963 by the University of Cincinnati.