The Fifth Ohio River Analysis Meeting

University of Cincinnati | Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2015 | Cincinnati, Ohio

& Hotel Info
& Abstracts
Maps and

The Fifth Ohio River Analysis Meeting takes place on February 28 and March 1, 2015,
hosted by the University of Cincinnati Department of Mathematical Sciences.

This regional conference series is a collaborative event between the research groups in Analysis and Partial Differential Equations at the University of Kentucky and the University of Cincinnati, and meets once a year alternating between the two Universities. The goal is to foster closer research collaborations between faculty and students from the two departments and to bring leading experts in the field to the region.

Click HERE for a printable flyer.

Invited Speakers:

Piotr Hajłasz, University of Pittsburgh
   Maximal Functions, Littlewood-Paley Theory and Sobolev Spaces

Svetlana Jitomirskaya, University of California, Irvine
   Quasiperiodic Operators with Monotone Potentials: Sharp Arithmetic Spectral Transitions and Small Coupling Localization

Kay Kirkpatrick, University of Illinois
   Bose-Einstein Condensation: from Many Quantum Particles to a Quantum "Superparticle"

Carlos Pérez, University of the Basque Country / Ikerbasque
   On Commutators of Singular Integral Operators with BMO Functions

Peter Sternberg, Indiana University
   Minimizers of a Nonlocal Isoperimetric Problem in Thin Domains

Info for Participants:

There will be approximately twenty-five short contributed talks by participants, given during the afternoon sessions. In the event that the number of requests to give a contributed talk exceeds the time available, priority is given to graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the early stages of their careers.

Travel support will be available for conference participants, and is not limited to the contributing speakers.

To contribute a talk or to request travel support,
please fill out the registration page or contact the organizers.
Requests made before January 16, 2015 will receive first consideration.

Update: The deadline for requesting travel support or to contribute a talk has passed.
Interested participants are still encouraged to register by contacting the organizers.

ORAM supports the Non-Discrimination Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics.


The Ohio River Analysis Meeting is made possible by generous support from these organizations:

  • National Science Foundation
  • Charles Phelps Taft Research Center
  • University of Cincinnati Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • University of Kentucky Mathematics Department
  • University of Cincinnati McMicken College of Arts and Sciences

and is presented in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics.

Local Organizing Committee:

Michael Goldberg [send mail], University of Cincinnati
Leonid Slavin [send mail], University of Cincinnati
Russell Brown, University of Kentucky
Peter Hislop, University of Kentucky
Zhongwei Shen, University of Kentucky

Homepages of Past Meetings: 2014 2013, 2012, 2011