The Third Ohio River Analysis MeetingUniversity of Cincinnati | March 9-10, 2013 | Cincinnati, Ohio |
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The Third Ohio River
Analysis Meeting takes place on March 9-10 2013,
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Invited Speakers:Rodrigo Bañuelos, Purdue UniversityFourier multipliers arising from Lévy processes Tanya Christiansen, University of Missouri Counting resonances for Schrödinger operators Robert Hardt, Rice University Some Homology and Cohomology Theories for a Metric Space Steve Hofmann, University of Missouri Recent progress on the theory of boundary value problems for divergence form elliptic equations Alexei Poltoratski, Texas A&M University Gelfand-Levitan theory for the Dirac equation Info for Participants:There will be approximately twenty short contributed talks by participants, given during the afternoon sessions. In the event that the number of requests to give a contributed talk exceeds the time available, priority is given to graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the early stages of their careers.Travel support will be available for conference participants, and is not limited to the contributing speakers. Update: The deadline for requesting travel support or to contribute a talk has passed. Interested participants are still encouraged to register by contacting the organizers. Sponsors:The Ohio River Analysis Meeting is made possible by generous support from these organizations:• National Science Foundation • Charles Phelps Taft Research Center • University of Cincinnati Department of Mathematical Sciences • University of Kentucky Mathematics Department • University of Cincinnati McMicken College of Arts and Sciences • University of Cincinnati Office of Research Local Organizing Committee:Michael Goldberg [send mail], University of CincinnatiLeonid Slavin [send mail], University of Cincinnati Nages Shanmugalingam, university of Cincinnati Peter Hislop, University of Kentucky Katharine Ott, University of Kentucky Changyou Wang, University of Kentucky |