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Holistic Counseling Care of Cincinnati

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Holistic Counseling Care of Cincinnati
3345 Whitfield Ave., Suite #2
Cincinnati, OH 45220-2053

Fax 513-665-4476

Business Description:

Counseling and Psychological Services for Individuals, Couples, Families and Groups

Geoffrey G. Yager, Ph.D., Psychologist, Professional Clinical Counselor
Jayne M. Treinen-Yager, Ed.D., Professional Clinical Counselor
Maria Piombo, Ed.D., Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Nancy Finch, M.A., Professional Clinical Counselor
Mary Ann Davis, M.A., Licensed Professional Counselor, Career Development Specialist

The Professional Disclosure Statements  for H.C.C.C. Associates are accessible by clicking on the appropriate link above. We have also provided two additional descriptions of counseling: (a) the first was created a part of a brochure designed to describe our approach to counseling practice, and (b) the second is an explanation of the counseling relationship that might well apply to nearly any counseling relationship that one might enter at any agency.

If you have visited this page from some other source, you might want to stop to see my home page: Geoffrey G. Yager -- Home Page.

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This site was last updated 02/05/09