Welcome to Brad Wolfe's Home page

I'm currently pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Information Technology at the University of Cincinnati. I haven't chosen a skill track yet but I think I would like to work with code. I have worked with programming langauges before but I currently enjoy working with markup langauges such as HTML & CSS. Animated Brad holding Peace Sign I enjoy Web development because of the creativity I get to have with my projects.

Outside of Information Technology I have many interests that I enjoy in my off time. One of my main hobbies are playing video games. I've been interested in video games ever since I was in Kindergarten. I enjoy playing different genres of games such as FPS, TPS, Single player, co-op, horror, open world, etc. An interest I have is watching sports. Some sports I enjoy watching are Basketball, Football, MMA, eSports, Bowling, and Baseball.

What I plan to do in my career is to truly enjoy my work and have fun doing it. I think there are so many different paths in Information Technology, it's hard to say which one I want to do the most. Whether I stick to one path my entire career or hop around, I want to make sure I love what I do. I started off enjoying Computer hardware and fixing PC's, then I moved into Platform engineering, and now I enjoy web development.